
Simulate a buy and a close order...

Hi Is it possible to take on a piece of data and simulate a buy/close order and know the profit ? Thanks in advance

Unable to load ex4 file...

Hi Was trying to test on my demo account how to run a script and that and after i calibrate to my taste when running it gives the following error on the experts terminal tab: cannot load 'c:\etc etc etc\AppData\Roaming\MetaQuotes\Terminal\D605FDA725F23D972774F86F925B88D9\MQL4\Experts\Market\Yellow

Green vertical line meaning...

Hi What does it mean exactly the green vertical line after the green vertical bar ? I mean i know both of them belong to the bar but how one is thick and the other is not (why the difference) ? Just asking this because on my example image the vertical line did cross over the Take Profit (TP) line