
How to debug an dll in mt5

as the tital How to debug an dll write in C++ in MT5 AND THE i am using vs 2017 is not working what can do for it

object of trendline

the objprop ray_right can set the line to right cornor but can't ray to left cornor , how to do this

ObjectSetInteger and ObjectMove is not work

I have a labelObject in the charts , and i can show it on the charts but i use the function to move the label to an other place is not work like this code msg = StringFormat("%.4f", nowLow); dvolue = nowLow - dWHigh; td = Time[itime]; objname = sNameList[32]; bC =


i write some chartevent for redraw some object in chartwindow but in debug mode if i insert a break point in chartevent function , it can gatch everone event if i clear the break point , some event will lose what can i do to fix it

import data to mt5

how can i get my own data feed

how do I add a checkbox on the chartwindow

As I know I can use objectcreate to add a button but objecttype no checkbox type. How to add a checkbox