
Trading against the crowd

It is gainful of a truth when trading against the crowd, the odds are high so also are the returns. But what you must take note of is that you can not just jump on start trading against the crowd because of the prospects of uncalculated high profits. You have to critically examine your options. For

Can you bank on luck in the forex?

It is well said that the foreign exchange market is a technical market. You cannot just jump in to the market and say you want to make some money without an adequate fundamental training about market movements (which most times is gotten on demo account. You see, then it gets to surprise me that

Taking responsibility for a failed trade

Forex is a technical market, you cannot easily trade the forex if you want to trade it with your basic instincts or layman intelligence. In true words, forex is a profession and should be learnt. Then it could be said a lot of your successes and failures in the market could be traced to your ability

Why use pending orders

Most times it is not easy to sit in front of the charts all day to check on our trades. I may want to buy a pair at an ask price of 1.3114 but now current market prices are trading at 1.3111, is it compulsory I wait till the market prices get to the value I so desired? Of course not, it is not

More failure more experience!

Surely as it is popularly said, experience is the best teacher, you are most unlikely to make a mistake twice (once beaten, twice shy remember?) To me, the only thing you need from your past is knowledge and experience- going back to your past should strictly be for learning purposes. Bearing this

Is trading by instincts not same as trading with emotions?

I have heard traders say “I didn’t know what came over me, I just saw myself taking the move, I couldn’t help it, I guess it was on instinct”. In such instances, you are not thinking- and when you think you are ingeniously trading by instincts, your emotions are well seated in the cockpit piloting

Don't always plan for a 100% positvie trade outcome

Forex trading is not all about making money- or necessarily all about the profit, it is also about minimizing losses. It is true as it is that simple, you cannot be said to be negative when you anticipate losses- no one is a prophet of doom if he starts planning how to reduce the effects of a

In the forex, anger blinds you

It is very possible to feel. Of course, we should have emotions- he have an “emotional irritability” as humans. What this is telling us is that it is normal for feelings to be generated in us in reaction to external happenings that we are experiencing. But what tags one as emotional or hard-hearten

With education available, traders should now make new informed decisions

My fellow members permit me to air my view on this. Surely I understand that not every trader who fails is really at fault another may interpret this as not every failing trader is lazy. But there is one thing I have not really settled about this. Now see, ten years ago, one could be pardoned if he

Demos before real account

It is no big surprise that in the forex market, failing on trade is one situation traders detest very much. It is basically understandable that almost everyone would want his name printed in gold- a tragedy story is only enjoyed when it you read about it not when you are the victim in it who