Jason Separovic
Jason Separovic

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Jason Separovic
Added topic MODE_TICKVALUE returns 0 first run, second call is fine
I'm seeing a weird issue in one of my terminals. When I call marketInfo MODE_TICKVALUE it will return 0. If I run it again directly after, it returns the correct value. This only happens on one of my terminals. Both are on 4.00 950 Anyone seen
chaconc107 2018.11.18
estoy usando tu proyecto me puedes ayudar como pasar los input del ex4 al c# para leer las variables del mql4
Jason Separovic
Registered at MQL5.community
Jason Separovic
Added topic OpenSource MQL C# API
Just thought I'd post here to let ppl know about a C# API I'm working on for Metatrader. It is in early stage development, and not fully tested, but if anyone is interested, checkout the install/source here: https://github.com/jseparovic/MQL4CSharp/