
how to set an array of built-in structures as function's return type?

Hi, Please take a look at the following code: //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Get an event description by its ID | //| country_code: country code name (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) |

CExpertSignal Ignore flag not working?

hey Guys, I am having issues understanding how the ignore flags are working for the signal's filters. Based on the documentation and following up the comments in the standard library module CExpertSignal, it should be possible to ignore the signal generated by filters through the m_ignore protected

Graphic Objects being removed after OnDeinit

He everybody, I have a small function to draws vertical line on Chart : bool DrawLineOnChar( const datetime time, color clr, ENUM_LINE_STYLE lineStyle) { CChartObjectVLine *line; if (! CheckPointer (line = new CChartObjectVLine) || !line.Create( ChartID (), "line " + TimeToString

Changing the description of indicator_separate_window in Data Window

Hi everybody, I am trying to organize the "Data Window" of Metatrader by adding some descriptions of indicator_separate_window. Please look at the following screenshot: As you can see, for the Market data there is a short description " EURUSD Daily" but for the separation for the indicators is a

Vague Parameters in a Class Constructor

Hi, Take a look at the class definition please: class CExpertSignal : public CExpertBase { protected : //--- variables double m_base_price; // base price for detection of level of entering (and/or exit?) //--- variables for working with additional filters CArrayObj

Understanding an Expression

Hey guys, can anyone please explain me what this expression means and how the (!=) condition is being evaluated? (m_patterns_usage&((( int ) 1 )<<p))!= 0 For more context, this code is part of a macro which is defined in the ExpertSignal.mqh after generating an Expert using a moving average as

Brokers close account of profitable client (Automated trading)

Hey Guys, I have done some research to find a broker to run my EA in the past couple of months. Already have some names in the list, but an interesting point I have heard/watched/read is that is some brokers close the account of extremely profitable clients due to the business strategies and plans

Charts stays open after Back Testing in MT5

Hey Guys! There is a question hovering around my head for a while when I am backtesting EAs. After every backtest, the Chart related to that test stays open in the MT5 Terminal. I have attached a screenshot of the issue. Am I missing something in my code to stop MT5 keeping the trace of the

Create an Object on Chart

//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| ObjectOnChart | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ datetime prev_bar = 0 ; int handle_ma_50, handle_ma_200; int OnInit ()