
Profiler on historic data does not show the time of the function calls?

Hello! I just used the profiler on historical data to see which functions take the longest and which use most of the CPU. I was suprised that the profiler only shows the total CPU and self CPU. I used the profiler quite a while ago and I thought I remembered that it also shows the functions call

Significant Widening of Forex Spreads at Specific Times

Hello, I am new to Forex trading. I have examined four different brokers regarding spreads. Three of the brokers offer zero spreads and one has an average spread between 4-5. I noticed that the spreads for all brokers tend to widen significantly from around 21:30 (9:30 PM) to approximately 01:40

CTrade Buy execution price vs. Buy Stop

Hello, I have a trading system and so far I am using the CTrade buy function to open orders. Since the buy function is a market order it is executed immediately (as far as I understood) and thus the position can be opened away from the current price. To prevent this scenario, one can use a Buy Stop

Indicator not visible in strategy tester

Hello, I used the original code from the RSI indicator provided bei MetaQuotes and tried to adjust it to print two RSI in the same window. I basically copied and pasted the original code and added "_1" and "_2". The first indicator is drawn and seems to work but the other is not and I do not

Code optimization

Hi, I have a function which closes open long positions when my virtual stop losses are hit. I am about to extend this to short positions as well. The function is about 500 lines long. I was already about to copy paste the function and change respective parts to fit the closing of open short

Unknown Identifier in Debugger

Good morning, I got an error while running my EA and thus I tried to debug the error. The error "division by zero" makes sense since one variable which is used as the divider is 0. However, for the defined variables "total_PI", "trend_PI" and "Runtime_Days" and others the debugger shows "Unknown

Question regarding the output received from a Sell Order in Strategy Tester

Hello, Here I sell 1.736 DIS stocks at 112.12. In the brackets behind it shows two more prices. Does that mean the Sell order of 1736 is splitt and sold at these three different price levels as the order is to big to found a buyer at only 112.12? Thank you

Scalping and Slippage

Hello Scalpers, I am wondering if scalping can be profitably due to slippage using one of the major CFD brokers out there scalping indices such as the SP500 or the NASDAQ on a 5 seconds timeframe? Any experiences? Also, if one is using BuyStop orders do they really have a chance to be executed at

Access struct element using its string value

Hello, I just realized that it seems to be possible to access a struct element using its string value: struct struct_test { double SL_1; double SL_2; } LongPos[]; ArrayResize (LongPos, 1 );

CopyRates from Stratety Tester end of run date

Hello, let's say the Stratety Tester starts at 2016.09.01 and runs til 2016.11.25. I tried to receive the OHLC data from 2016.11.25 using CopyRates but the function can only copy rates from today to some time in the past and not future. Is there any way to receive the OHLC data for the end date of