

Yet another ordersend error 131 or 130

Hello everyone. I have been trying to solve the errors that occurs to me but the interesting part is on my strategy tester and I used 3 different brokers and all those testers have not given me any errors. So I tried to submit it to automated tester in order to make my expert advisor available in

Off quotes for pending orders ?

Have you guys experiencing it with your broker? Because mine happens a lot recently and until today still happens. Is it to be expected or the broker is trying to lower the winning streaks so that eventually it will become losing trades ? Of course the requested price is correct at that moment of

Sudden blackout and GV gone

Hello everyone. This has come up to me where I had sudden blackout and when I managed to get my PC up and running again, I opened the terminal (latest build) and it seems that the GV is gone for good. This has lead me to rebuild the GV from scratch. I had 2 blackouts and same thing happens to the

Heads up! Compiling while multiple tabs opened

Hello everyone. Just a heads up! If you have multiple tabs opened in MetaEditor (build 966), and you have done edits to all of the tabs but not yet saved or compiled, if you click compile on one particular tab, it will save and compile all tabs. I repeat, all tabs will be compiled. I have reported