Heads up! Compiling while multiple tabs opened


Hello everyone.

Just a heads up!

If you have multiple tabs opened in MetaEditor (build 966), and you have done edits to all of the tabs but not yet saved or compiled, if you click compile on one particular tab, it will save and compile all tabs. I repeat, all tabs will be compiled.

I have reported this a long time ago and yet no action taken.

Report #982041  2014.03.21 02:21

Thank you.


Hello everyone.

Just a heads up!

If you have multiple tabs opened in MetaEditor (build 966), and you have done edits to all of the tabs but not yet saved or compiled, if you click compile on one particular tab, it will save and compile all tabs. I repeat, all tabs will be compiled.

I have reported this a long time ago and yet no action taken.

Thank you.

You may still compile using standalone compiler if you want to ensure no other code gets compiled. Nevertheless I have been coding a lot and I never spotted this behaviour.


You may still compile using standalone compiler if you want to ensure no other code gets compiled. Nevertheless I have been coding a lot and I never spotted this behaviour.

I confirm this behaviour. It can be annoying sometimes.

Thanks for that heads-up.

I've had indicators attached to charts re-initialised due to re-compiling and been totally at a loss as to what was happening because I hadn't compiled that particular indicator.

It only happened occasionally and I was unable to replicate it.

I can see that this is what was happening now.

Mystery solved

Thanks again :) 


You are most welcome. XD

Developers should make the MetaEditor only save and compile all if we click Ctrl + F7, like it is supposed to but unfortunately, it is not on top priority list. Even worst if it is not even on the priority list.

I always like to open many tabs and do troubleshooting in one go. So, it does impacts me either directly or indirectly.

Due to how MetaEditor behaves, I have to make sure all the tabs edited properly before clicking Compile button.

And it does makes me more alerted and careful though.

I think rookie programmers would have to force themselves to double/triple checks the code before compiling. LOL XD

Now I see it happens, but it does not compile all, it compiles files edited since the last compilation. Annoying anyway.

Yes. It is annoying when you forgot that you edited and not yet finished and then click compile on other tabs, and then ... poof! All becomes compiled.

Then suddenly you got many bugs appearing out of nowhere. LOL XD