
Marginal Trading...

Hi Traders Hope you're ready to become successful forex trader on forex market... Buy low, sell high. That sounds like a ‘doh!’ moment, but there are many people who forget that the market runs in patterns of dips and rises Keep your eye on the pattern and buy when the exchange rate dips, then sell

Forex Traders Mistake...

Hi Traders The common mistake is when traders and investors buy or sell when the rate on currency is cheap. Sometimes this is a good move, but just because the rate is low, does not mean that it will profit the investor. Instead of choosing a currency to buy or trade, it is best to look at all of

Defining Exotic Currencies and Their Impact on Forex Markets

Hi Traders The exotic currency is defines as a currency with little liquidity and limited dealing. The exotic currency is neither a minor nor a major currency. Some of the currencies that are considered minor are the Australian dollar, the Canadian dollar and the New Zealand dollar. Some of the

Trading and Intervention – Ways This Moves the Forex Marke

Hi Traders When trading on the foreign currency exchange market or the Forex using trading and intervention techniques can offer traders benefits. When traders look to intervention as a means of seeing where the Forex is heading, it can indicated that some currencies should be higher or lower

Be Prepared....WHY...

Hi Traders Hoe are you in this turbulent financial time... Be Prepared...U.S. Non-Farm Employment Change figures are expected on Friday, October 3rd, 12:30 (GMT), and you need to be prepared. Market events like this one tend to create either big changes to current trends or push current trends even

Investing and seek advice...

Hi Traders Regardless if you are planning on bucking trends, or merely investing in the hope they continue in the same direction, understanding and identifying them is going to be the key element to successful investing strategy. This is one of the things that makes forex trading so appealing to the

Don't Be GREE Trader...

Hi Traders How are you...what's happen in your trading life...let's take action on GRREED discussion... Greed tends to keep a trader from closing out a position when a reasonable profit has already been made, in the hope that the stock price will go even higher. It’s very easy to be greedy in this

Who Win 2% Who lose 98%

Hi Traders Did you know that 2% of investors get everything that the remaining 98% lose. This means unimaginable amounts of money passing from hands to hands every day. The 2% who get all the money KNOW what to do, because they ALWAYS use proper software that makes the decisions. Only machine, a

Consider this rule of trading...

Hi Traders Think, analyze, and create BEFORE the trade. During the trade only follow what you though, analyzed and created before the trade. Before you enter the trade you are cool and balanced, you are thinking logically. During the trade you are under fire since money is involved. You are under

One of the most important forex rules...

Hi Traders How are you Today's , What's happen with you on forex market...Never ever add to a losing position. I think this is one of the biggest "diseases" traders have. A stop loss is like a red light, it's not a suggestion. It tells you to get out of the market not to add more money to the trade