Alvaro Rhea
Alvaro Rhea

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Alvaro Rhea
Added topic Cloud Optimization yields very different results compared to backtesting
I ran a short optimization to be sure Cloud is not working correctly. Using slow optimization Every tick based on real ticks Only 8 passes I got this results: The last Step was Step number 4. Result is inconsistent with everything else, so I ran a
Alvaro Rhea
Added topic Cloud optimization gives very different results compared to the ones when doing with computer agents.
I tried twice to use Cloud network services for optimization but Im having the problem that I get very different results from there. I dont understand why.  Im using every tick based on real ticks. Is it so that the Cloud uses not my price data
Alvaro Rhea
Added topic Strategy tester visualization mt5 jumping from pending triggered to closing trade
Im backtesting an algo and I want to be able to see it working with the strategy tester visualization on mt5. The problem Im encountering is that from the moment a trade is opened, the graph jumps directly to the moment the trade was closed. I want
Alvaro Rhea
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