Alberto Tortella
Added topic Anyone installed MT4 on Ubuntu recently?
Hi all, I tried to install the MT4 platform on a Ubunt cloud server  - version 12.04 - but I have an error. I tried with Wine and with PlayonLinux but I have the same error: the operating system is not valid. Is there a problem with the latest
Alberto Tortella
Added topic Why "0" instead of OrderTicket() ?
Hi all, could you explain where is the error? For the first order the expert returns "0" instead of the ticket. total = OrdersTotal ();           for (cnt= 1 ;cnt<=total;cnt++)     
Alberto Tortella
Added topic OrderSelct() error 4051
Hi all, I have error 4051 with this code, could you help me? Thank you! I verified by printing that the int "Old_Ticket" is correct, so I don't understand why it returns 4051 error. if (...)     {      int
Alberto Tortella
Added topic could you explain this mistake?
Hi all, could you explain why it's wrong this way to recall the orders?  Thank you! total = OrdersTotal ();      for (cnt= 0 ;cnt<=total;cnt++)      {         
Alberto Tortella
Added topic clear an Excel sheet
Hi all, is there a way to clear an Excel sheet? I'm developing my on Excel sheet to monitor my positions. I'm searching between the File functions but I don't find it. Thank you
Alberto Tortella
Added topic clear an Excel sheet
Hi all, is there a way to clear an Excel sheet? I'm trying to create an Excel sheet to monitor my positions in real time. Thank you
Alberto Tortella
Added topic mqh file
Hi all, is there the possibility to shift a portion of code in an .mqh file, in order to obtain a smaller .mq4 file? I'd like to shift in a .mqh file the part code in which I create the Global Variables, but I don't want to create a single .mqh file
Alberto Tortella
Added topic rescue information from old OrderTicket()
Hi all, my expert writes a Global Variable in this way  StringConcatenate (..., Symbol (), OrderTicket ()); but when half position is closed on profit, the OrderTicket() is changed from the broker and the expert is not able to modify the Global
Alberto Tortella
Added topic I need an help with this monitor
Hi all, could you indicate the mistakes in this indicator monitor? I'm trying to write this indicator to monitor the global variables in my expert, but I don't find the errors... Thank you! #property indicator_chart_window extern int mCorn = 0
Alberto Tortella
Added topic problem with ObjetcSet
Hi, I'm try to recall the OrderTicket() in the ObjectSetDouble function , but I haven't in the autocomplete function, when I try to recall it. Where is the mistake? Thank you! void CreateLabels() { int total = OrdersTotal (); for ( int cnt= 0
Alberto Tortella
Added topic error on .hst file
Hi all, I have an error in the WTI M1 history file (hst). The WTI value is usually around 40 or 5 dollars, but I have a price of 135744. I see it on the graph, I'm not able to open the .hst file. How can I fix this error? Can I refresh the file
Alberto Tortella
Added topic I need help using File Read function
Hi all, I made the attached .txt file using the following code int start()    {          double Take_Profit_Long_1   = 1.06475 ;          double
Alberto Tortella
Added topic orders opened and closed during last bar
hi all, I need to check the opened and closed orders after the start of the current bar. Is this code correct? I'm not sure.        total = OrdersTotal ();   Num_Order_Long_5  = 0 ;
Alberto Tortella
Added topic incorrect start position 2365 with Ehler transformation indicator
Hi all, I have this error when I load the attached indicator on a median renko chart. incorrect start position 2365 for Array/Minum (or Array/Maximum) function Could you help me? Thank you
Alberto Tortella
Added topic median renko with build 971
Hi all, is there anyone who can share an expert to obtain median renko charts with build 971?   Thank you! 
Alberto Tortella
Added topic is there anyone using the Web terminal?
I'm losing the connection to my demo account , are you using the beta version without problem
Alberto Tortella
Added topic I don't see the stop level
Hi all, I'm trying to see the stop level on my demo FXCM platform. I'm using   Print ( MarketInfo( Symbol (),MODE_STOPLEVEL) ) ;   but the result is 0.  Could you help me? Thank you! 
Alberto Tortella
Added topic problem with Renko Live Chart v 3.2
Hi all, I have a strange problem with this expert. I attached it on the EURUSD M1 chart, using 2 as Renko Time Frame. Then I tried to open the offline chart but I didn't find it. So I switched to time frame 3 and I had the graph, but it doesn't
Alberto Tortella
Added topic problem with Renko Live Chart v 3.2
Hi all, I'm using the expert Renko Live Chart v 3.2 but I receive this error: can't create / open history file: cannot open file: EURUSD2.hst Where is the problem? DLL are enabled.  I see file EURUSD2.hst in the history folder. 
Alberto Tortella
Added topic Last bar open Time
Hi all, I don't know how to recall the last bar open time . Could you help with the below code? I need to replace the string "LAST BAR OPEN TIME". Thank you!!!    total = OrdersTotal ();   Num_Order_Long_6  = 0 ;