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Added topic What happened to the Nasdaq and other indeces?
Hi. Suddenly, I have no access to the nasdaq. I was using it for years and then it went. Isn't it automatically available with Metatrader 5? How can I get it without spending a load of money
Added topic Metatrader 4+5 not working
Call me paranoid, but I am unable to get Metatrader 4 or 5 to receive data and am unable to get on any MetaQuotes website. Are their servers down? Is this only happening to me
Added topic OnCalculate
I want my indicator to make calculations every 1-2mins and not on every tick . I tried using OnTimer but couldn't get it to work for the life of me. Is there a way? I'd be happy if the calculation was done on the closing of a candle
Added topic Sinewave Indicator
I notice that there are a fair number of John Ehler's indicators here Is there any plan to provide his Sinewave indicator? I realise that they are a lot of work
Added topic recursion
I have a function a bit like this: double obv(int n, int j, const double &close1[], const long &tick_volume1[]) { if (close1[j]>close1[j-n]){ExtOBVBuffer2[j]=ExtOBVBuffer2[j-n]+vol(n,j,tick_volume1);}   
Added topic MT5 refresh system
I've noticed that MT5 regularly refreshes the whole of the graph data which means that any indicator present is refreshed as well. My problem is that my indicator uses a lot of CPU and everything takes time to refresh. I was wondering if it is
Added topic Adding volume
I'm trying to add volume in a function like this: double vol(int o,int k,const long &tick_volume2[]) {    for(int i=0;i<o;i++)    {    Buffer3[k] += (double) tick_volume2[k-o];       }
Added topic Time
hi, I want to initiate an action dependent on tiem and it is driving me crazy... how do I do it? For example: if(time()=="1200") { x=1;} Can somebody tell me the correct format please and save me from my headache? Thanks in advance
Added topic Downloading CFD data
I want to download CFD data onto my platform, the internet says I can do it with FTSE, but the FTSE 100 is not present in Metatrader 5-File-New Chart-CFD. Can somebody tell me how to download CFD data onto the platform
Added topic Function problem
I've written this indicator and I get the response "not all control paths return a value" in my function area (at the bottom) and I can't work out what is wrong... can anybody help? I seem to have something wrong with my function structure. I don't
Added topic Problem with EURUSD data
My EURUSD is wierd in that on my 5 min graph the candles go back to 15-12-2010 with 5 min candles. Then from there I get day (24hr) candles. Does anybody know where the EURUSD data is stored in Metatrader so that I can re-download it. My indicator
Added topic Problems with Metatrader 5
Let me say that Metatrader 5 is a beautiful piece of software, a work of art, and I am a screaming fan! However there are a few problems, not all of them I can explain clearly. First, the graph goes too near the edges of the screen, up and down. this
Added topic Arrays [i-2]
Sorry if this is a nube question but it is driving me crazy. The first thing I'd like to say is that the time period system is annoying! I don't see why we are restricted to a limited time set. Second, I am struggling with an array issue. Why can't I
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