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Perceptrader AI

EA has a live track record with 48 month of stable trading with low drawdown:

Live performance

MT5 version can be found here

Perceptrader AI is a cutting-edge grid trading system that leverages the power of Artificial Intelligence, utilizing Deep Learning algorithms and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to analyze large amounts of market data at high speed and detect high-potential trading opportunities to exploit.


Timeframe: M5


  • Trend, Momentum and Volatility filters based on Deep Learning algorithms
  • Filtering low potential trades using Artificial Intelligence (AI) forecasts
  • Advanced News and Stock Market Crash Filter
  • Multiple currency pairs support
  • One Chart Setup: you only need one chart to trade all symbols
  • Flexible customization with a lot of filters and options
  • Automatic GMT adjustment
  • Solid backtest and live performance
  • Statistic Panel with Self Diagnostic System and Neural Network Forecast indicator
  • Much cheaper than available high-quality alternatives
  • Very easy to use: just read instructions below
Backtests should be done with Tick Data Suite GMT+2 with US DST. This GMT offset is used by most brokers

    How to install

    • The EA must be attached to ONLY one M5 chart, AUDCAD is recommended
    • If your broker uses a suffix (e.g. AUDCAD.a) you should update names in the Symbol parameter
    • You need to give the EA access to the news list website and time server for news filter and time detection functionality to work correctly (delete spaces!):

      1. https: //www. worldtimeserver.com
      2. http: //timesrv.online
      3. http: //valeryservice.com
      4. http: //valerytools.com

      Here is the link for the guide on how to do that (from 1:00 to 2:05)
    • Video on the EA installation
    • Archive with set files and the guide


    • The EA is NOT sensitive to spread and slippage. But I advise using a good ECN broker
    • The EA should run on a VPS continuously
    • With only 1:30 leverage I advise not to use higher than low risk settings on a less than $6000 account, otherwise you might have problems with free margin. With 1:100 leverage it should be fine with up to significant risk setting on a $1000 account
    MM & Risk settings 
    • Check for Instances of the EA - checks that only one instance of the EA is running at a time. If EA detects other instances with the same UID, trading will be disabled. 
    • Allow Opening a new Initial Trade? - on/off opening of new grids. It does not affect the already open grids. 
    • Allow Manual Trading Buttons - enable/disable manual trading buttons that allow you to manually open an initial trade: the EA will pick up the manually opened trade and manage it as usual. The buttons are affected by the following parameters: Symbols, Maximum Spread, and Maximum Symbols at a time. 
    • Lot-sizing Method - select the lot sizing method according to the risk you want to take: Fixed Lots will use fixed lot size from the "Fixed lot" parameter, Dynamic Lots will use 'Dynamic Lot' parameter, Deposit load will calculate lots based on deposit load%, and 4 predefined presets will calculate risk automatically for you. 
    • Fixed Lot - fixed trading lot for the initial trade. 
    • Dynamic Lot (Balance/Equity based) - balance/equity to be used per 0.01 lot. 
    • Deposit Load % - % of the deposit that will be totally used to open the initial trade. 
    • Fixed Initial Deposit? (Tester only) - lot size will be calculated based on the initial deposit; new profits will not be considered. 
    • Tester Withdrawal (Tester only) - the withdrawal will take place if the account equity exceeds the specified value. For MT5 only. 
    • Withdrawal Amount (Tester only) - amount to withdrawal.  For MT5 only. 
    • Rounding Method - allows you to choose the method of rounding fractional lots to calculate trading lot sizes. 
    • Max Lot per Order - maximum size of a single order. 
    • Auto Split? - option allowing the EA to trade with any lot size/volume without limits. Most brokers have a limit of 100 lots per order, so if the option is enabled, the EA will automatically split a large trading volume (e.g. 10000 lots) into multiple smaller orders (not more than 100 lots per the child order). It is intended to be used in tester to allow testing the EA on all the available history. 
    • Maximum Spread, in pips - maximal allowed spread. 
    • Maximum Slippage for a non-ECN acc, in pips - max allowed slippage for a non-ECN account. 
    • Maximum Symbols at a time - maximal allowed number of symbols that can be opened at the same time. 
    • Only One Symbol if Grid reaches this Level [0-disabled] - this option allows you to temporarily reduce the "Maximum Symbols at a Time" to one if an open grid reaches the specified level. 
    • Disable Trades on the Same Side of a Currency - this option disables the opening of new initial trades on the same side of a currency. For example, it can help prevent having 2 shorts for CAD at the same time to protect accounts from a strong trend for the CAD currency. 
    • Allow Hedging? - allow opening multi-directional trades on the same symbol. 
    • Allow Trading on Holidays? - on/off Christmas/New Year trading filter. 
    • Allow to Buy/Sell - on/off Buy/Sell trades. 
    • Minimum Free Margin % [0-disabled] - if Free Margin% falls below the specified value, the EA will not place new pending orders and will cancel already placed ones. 
    • Max Open Lots (Filter) - the EA will not send new initial orders if the volume of all positions opened by the EA exceeds the specified value. 
    • Max Floating Drawdown % - if current floating drawdown exceeds the specified % the EA will close open positions. 
    • Max Floating Drawdown in Money [0-disabled] - if current floating drawdown exceeds the specified value in money the EA will close open positions. 
    • Max Daily Drawdown Limit % FTMO Rules - maximum daily drawdown limit, calculated according to the FTMO rules. Non-trading operations (like withdrawals) during the day are not taken into account. 
    • Max Daily Drawdown Limit in Money FTMO Rules [0-disabled] - maximum daily drawdown limit in MONEY, calculated according to the FTMO rules. Non-trading operations (like withdrawals) during the day are not taken into account. 
    • Max Daily Drawdown Reset Hour FTMO Rules (Broker time) - hour to reset the max. drawdown with the prop firm. 
    • Max Drawdown Action - allows you to specify actions to be taken after the max. drawdown is reached (in money or %): 
      • 'Close trades & stop trading for 24h' - the EA will close all open trades/grids and will not open new ones for 24 hours. 
      • ‘Close trades & stop trading until the end of the day’ - the EA will close all open trades/grids and will not open new ones until the end of the day. 
      • 'Close trades & stop trading until restart' - the EA will close all open trades/grids and will not open new ones until the EA/MT restarts. 
      • ‘Close trades & resume trading as normal’ - the EA will close all open trades/grids and resume trading as normal. 
      • 'Prohibit opening new trades' - new grids will be prohibited as long as the floating drawdown is above a specified value; 
      • 'Prohibit opening new trades until restart' - new grids will be prohibited until the EA/MT restarts. 
    • Max Drawdown Calculation - allows you to specify how the maximum drawdown is calculated: 
      • 'The account' - takes into account all positions opened on the account, including trades opened manually or by other EAs; 
      • 'This strategy' - takes into account only positions opened by this EA. 
    • Handle Max Drawdown Events on Every Tick - enable/disable drawdown event handling on every tick (instead of once a minute which is used by default, it may consume more CPU resources). 
    • Check Margin for all Grid Levels - if true, the EA will check if there is enough free margin to open all grid levels at the same time. If not enough, the initial lot size will be reduced. 
    • Check Bars for Errors - if true, the EA will check the relevance of historical data and bar opening time. Turn it off if your broker uses non-standard bar opening time (for example hh:02, hh:17, hh:32, hh:47). 
    Time settings 
    • Hour to Start Trading - hour to start trading (for initial orders only). 
    • Minutes to Start Trading - minutes to start trading (for initial orders only). 
    • Hour to Stop Trading - hour to stop trading (for initial orders only). 
    • Minutes to Stop Trading - minutes to stop trading (for initial orders only). 
    • Trade on Monday - enable/disable trading on Monday. 
    • Trade on Tuesday - enable/disable trading on Tuesday. 
    • Trade on Wednesday - enable/disable trading on Wednesday. 
    • Trade on Thursday - enable/disable trading on Thursday. 
    • Trade on Friday - enable/disable trading on Friday. 
    • Rollover Start Hour - rollover start hour. 
    • Rollover Start Minutes - rollover start minutes. 
    • Rollover End Hour - rollover end hour. 
    • Rollover End Minutes - rollover end minutes. 
    • Send Orders During Rollover - enable/disable sending orders (including grid trades) during rollover time. 
    • Remove TakeProfit During Rollover - removes TP for all orders at the specified rollover time. This option helps to avoid closing trades via TP during bad trading conditions since slippage can turn a profitable trade into a losing one. 
    Strategy settings 
    • Symbols separated by comma (custom if empty) – trading symbols separated by comma (custom if empty). 
    • Symbol Suffix - here you can specify a symbol suffix if your broker uses one. 
    • Custom Symbol Multipliers separated by comma (e.g. 0.9,1.2,1) - here you can set multipliers to calculate trading lots for each pair, for example, 1.0,0.7,0.9. This means that the first pair (specified in the 'Symbols separated by comma' parameter) will be open normally, but the second and third will have smaller lots, multipliers 0.7x and 0.9x. 
    • Percentage Pips Mode - enable/disable percentage pips mode. 1 percentage pip = 0.0001 * Current Price. 
    • Trading Setup – trading mode: 
      • ‘Standard trades’ – normal trading based on a well-defined set of rules.  
      • ‘Unique trades’ - trading will be unique for each EA instance, including the time and direction. 
    • Trading Frequency [1..10max] (Unique trades only) - frequency of trades in the ‘Unique trades’ mode. 
    • Daily ATR Period - period of the daily ATR indicator for volatility calculation. 
    Forecasts settings (Live trading only) 
    • Use Chat G P T Forecast – enable/disable filtering of trades using Chat G P T forecasts. 
    • Use Bard Forecast – enable/disable filtering of trades using Google Bard. 
    Machine Learning Setup 
    • Enable Neural Network Filter – enable/disable filtering of trades using machine learning technology based on Perceptron. 
    • Min Probability of Profit % - minimal predicted probability that a trade will result in profit. If Perceptron predicts a lower value, the trading signal will be ignored, and the INITIAL trade will be skipped. 
    TakeProfit settings 
    • TakeProfit for Initial Trade, in pips - take profit for the initial trade (if no grid trades opened). 
    • Weighted TakeProfit? - if true, then Grid TP is weighted by volume so TP in pips decreases in proportion to the open volume of the grid levels. This allows keeping the initial TP in money unchanged after adding new averaging trades.  
    • TakeProfit for Grid, pips (can also be 0/negat. for emergency) - take-profit for the grid (if at least one averaging trade is open). It allows any value including zero and negative. 
    • Break Even (TP) after this Level [0-disabled] - break even feature after the specified Grid level is reached. 
    • Hide TakeProfit? - on/off take-profit hiding. 
    • Do not adjust TP unless new grid level opened - if true, the EA will adjust TP of open positions only when a new grid level is opened. The user can manually set their own TP, which will stay current until the EA opens a new grid level. 
    StopLoss settings 
    • StopLoss for Grid, in pips (500pips if zero) - stop-loss for the initial/grid trades. 
    • Hide StopLoss? - on/off stop-loss hiding. 
    • Trailing SL Size, in pips [0-disabled] - trailing stop in pips based on the grid breakeven point (=weighted average entry price of all orders including SWAPs and commissions). 
    • Trailing SL Start, in pips - number of pips in profit at which the trailing SL is activated. 
    • Randomize Order/TP Levels - if enabled, the EA will randomly slightly change the TP/SL levels. This option allows you to have a unique TP/SL. 
    • Max Random Delay before sending Orders, sec [0-disabled] - maximum random delay in seconds before sending an order. Values over 15 seconds are not recommended. 
    • Allow sending SL along with an order (for a non-ECN acc.) - if true, then the EA will send SL along with orders. If false, then SL will be set after the order is sent and executed. 
    Grid settings 
    • Trade Distance - min. step in pips between grid(averaging) trades. 
    • Pause Between Grid Trades, in min [0-disabled] - minimum pause between grid trades in minutes. 
    • Smart Distance? - auto- adjusts the trade distance depending on market volatility. 
    • Maximum Trades - max number of grid(averaging) trades. 
    • Custom Multipliers sep. by comma (e.g. 1,2,4,8,14,24,41,69) - custom multipliers for each GRID step separated by a comma, for example - 1,2,4,8,14,24,41,69.  
    • Grid Level to Start (1-initial trade) - allows you to skip a certain number of grid levels, trading will start from the specified level. To calculate entries correctly, the EA opens "marker" orders at skipped levels with a minimum lot size. 
    • Keep Original Profit Level & Lot Size - when skipping grid level, the EA will keep profit target and lot sizes from the original strategy. This can help boost performance. 
    News Filter settings 
    • News Filter Enabled - on/off News Filter. 
    • Disable Trading on Bank Holidays - enable/disable trading on bank holidays according to the real-time Economic Calendar. This filter is currency-specific. For example, with it, EA won't take trades on USD pairs during bank holidays in the USA. It also works in Strategy Tester. 
    • Disable Built-in News Filter Settings - disables the built-in news filter settings, allowing you to fine-tune the news filter. 
    • Custom Events (separated by comma, disabled if empty) - custom rules allowing you to fine-tune the news filter. 
    Format: Key[-Currency pair],Key[-Currency pair],.........,Key[-Currency pair] 
    Key – the currency of the news event or keyword in the news header. You can use multiple currencies without a separator, for example, USDAUDGBP. 
    If you specify a keyword, the letter case does not matter. For example, FOMC. 
    [-Currency pair] - optional parameter specifying which currency pair the rule applies to. For example -EURUSD. 
    USD, - takes into account all news events for USD on all currency pairs 
    AUDGBP-GBPUSD-NZDUSD, - takes into account all news events for AUD and GBP on GBPUSD and NZDUSD currency pairs 
    CHFEUR-EURUSD, - takes into account all news events for CHF and EUR on the EURUSD currency pair 
    FOMC, - takes into account news events with the word (or part of the word) FOMC in the header on all currency pairs 
    Rate-AUDCAD - takes into account news events with the word (or part of the word) Rate in the header on AUDCAD currency pair 
    Each rule must be separated by a comma. if 'Disable Built-in News Filter Settings'=false, then the custom rules are in addition to the built-in ones. 
    • Medium Impact News - enable/disable news events with medium impact (2 stars news). 
    • Low Impact News - enable/disable news events with low impact (1 star news). 
    • Speaks - if false, then the EA will not consider news events marked as Speeches/Speaks. 
    • Wait Minutes Before Event - suspend trading before the news. 
    • Wait Minutes After Event - suspend trading after the news. 
    • Show News List - displays a list of upcoming news events to the right of the info panel. 
    • News List Refresh Rate - news events list update frequency (selection from the drop-down list). 
    Stock Market Crash Filter settings 
    • Stock Market Crash Filter Enabled - enable/disable the stock market crash filter. 
    • Stock Market Symbol - symbol name of the S&P500 stock index of your broker. It is usually called something like US500 or SPX500 (press Ctrl+U to see all symbols). 
    • Filter Period - period of the stock market crash filter. 
    • Max Historical Volatility (HV), in % - max. annualized standard deviation of H1 returns (HV in %). 
    • Block Trading for the Entire Day - prohibits opening new trades throughout the day if HV hits the specified level just once at any moment during the day. 
    Additional settings 
    • Trade Comment - comment for orders. 
    • UID (0...9) - unique EA instance number. Usually, no need to change it. 
    • Show Panel - on/off Info-panel. 
    • Show Stats - show a panel with statistics. 
    • Font Size (1...8) - reduce this value if you're having trouble with the info panel. 
    Backtest settings 
    • Disable Automatic GMT Detection - set it to 'true' to disable automatic GMT detection. You can use the GMT Test/Manual' and 'DST Test/Manual' parameters to manually set the GMT offset in live trading. 
    • GMT Test/Manual - GMT offset in winter in Tester. 
    • DST Test/Manual - DST in Tester.

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    Monex Scalp is an intelligent trading robot designed for 1-minute time frames, offering simplicity and efficiency for traders. Key Features: •   User-Friendly Settings:   Monex Scalp offers straightforward settings, making it accessible for traders of all experience levels. •   Session Scheduling:   Customize trading sessions to align with various market hours, enhancing strategy execution. •   Adjustable Stop-Loss:   Set personalized stop-loss levels to effectively manage risk according to yo
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    BreakBot: This expert advisor is specifically designed for traders seeking smart and secure solutions to transform small capital into substantial profits, reaching $100,000 or more. It employs professional strategies and precise risk management to achieve steady and safe growth. Key Features of the Expert Advisor ️ Smart Capital Management: Utilizes carefully calculated risk percentages to maximize profits while minimizing losses. Automatically adapts to account size, making it ideal for both b
    According to my 18+ years of trading experience, it is too naive to believe that you will get rich by buying a junk EA and let it run automatically without any fundamental knowledge in investment. For those who want to be serious about investing they should buy this EA and train themselves as professional traders with appropriate minimal intervention to the EA. User friendly Interface. On panel fat finger protection. High speed for sending   manual  orders. Auto follow up for manual orders plac
    Buyers of this product also purchase
    CM = "DMF_AI_EA_ROBOT"; Strategy = 1   ElapsedSECONDS = 7 MaxDailyProfit = 3500 MaxDailyLoss = - 1500 MaxMonthlyProfit= 10000 LS= 1.3 CSL= 1.3   ESL= 1.3   PF= 50   STP= 50 CPF= 50 TND= 50 Lot= 15   BLS= 15   CLS= 15   TradingBetween = 16 : 30 - 23 : 30 Risk_Triger=+ 010 Mg = 2001   MAX Range Allowed = 100000   Bars For Range =     1 ️️  backtesting parameters provided Above; for ftmo broker only, account size 100K, Pair USTECHCASH100 Timeframe= H1 or H4. for other brokers and pairs contact s
    Oceania Emperor AI EA always  profit results are variable and determined according to the market movement.The indicators used in EA expert have nothing to do with the standard indicators in the market and are completely derived from strategy ,It was developed by ENZOFXEA team in Germany with experienced traders with more than 15 years of trading experience. It's multi currency  { AUCAD , AUDNZD , NZDCAD }  You launch all three currency pairs at the same time and the activity is high. All types o
    MAX Gold 1
    Peng Peng Gao
    这是一种全自动智能自适应算法。MAX Gold  系统计算历史数据,并根据即将突破支撑位和阻力位的概率百分比执行分析,并下达挂单。 EA 交易可适应任何市场条件。它使用质量为 99,9% 的真实刻度进行了回溯测试和优化。它已成功完成压力测试。 EA 包含统计信息收集算法,并在信息面板上输出。 建议选择ECN经纪商和点差最低的账户。 货币对/时间框架: EURUSD M30、 EURUSD H1、 USDJPY M30、 USDJPY  H1、   GBPUSD M30 、 GBPUSD  H1 、 XAUUSD M30 推荐货币对/时间框架: EURUSD   H1 、USDJPY   H1   or  EURUSD   M30 、 USDJPY  M30  or  XAUUSD M30 需要 VPS。 要求和建议 5 位引号。 最大点差:0 - 20 点。 最低存款额:100 美元。 最大止损水平:0 - 5 点。 建议使用 1:100 或更高的杠杆。 如果您在同一个账户上使用多个 Advisor,请确保所有 Advisor 都有不同的 Magic Numbers。 你需要
    Btcusd Grid
    Ahmad Aan Isnain Shofwan
    1 (1)
    BTCUSD GRID EA is an automated program designed to use the grid trading strategy BTCUSD GRID EA is highly useful for beginners and experienced traders alike. While there are other types of trading bots you can use, the logical nature of the grid trading strategy makes it easy for crypto grid trading bots to perform automated trading without issues. BTCUSD GRID EA is the overall best platform to use if you're looking to try out a grid trading bot. BTCUSD GRID EA is highly effective for the crypt
    Win Sniper Follow
    Nirundorn Promphao
    1 (1)
    I will support only my client. สำหรับลูกค้า Win Sniper Follow  is a fully automated Expert Advisor with no use of martingale. Night scalping strategy. The RSI indicator and an ATR-based filter are used for entries. Real operation monitoring as well as my other products can be found here :  https://www.mql5.com/en/users/winwifi/ General Recommendations The minimum deposit is 100 USD, the recommended timeframe is M15, H1, H4. Use a broker with good execution and with a spread of 2-5 points. A ver
    The Expert Advisor enters the market with a high probability of a trend beginning .  THERE are NO toxic methods leading to the draining of the deposit - THERE is NO grid and martingale .   A stop loss loss as a percentage of the deposit is set for each position ( recommendation -2 % ) and a take profit of 5-10 to the stop loss . Each position is accompanied by a trailing stop . Testing since 2010 with a fixed risk of $ 20 per transaction ( equivalent to 2 % of $ 1,000 ) . Testing with a fixed r
    Gold Bulls Hedge
    Hossein Davarynejad
    ////GOLD BULLS HEDGE //// Introducing GOLD BULLS HEDGE    the cutting-edge Gold  development expert meticulously crafted for daily time frame strategies with an integrated stop-loss mechanism. As the developer behind this powerful tool, let me delve into the key features and advantages that make  Bulls Gold  a must-have for your daily Gold trading endeavors: . Daily Time Frame Precision: Forex Lucifer Gold is tailored to excel in the   daily   time frame, ensuring optimal precision for your Gol
    News Scalps
    Tolulope Aanuoluwapo Bello
    Introducing News scalp: The Premier News Scalping Expert Advisor And Arbitrage In the realm of forex trading, seizing fleeting opportunities amid market turbulence demands precision and speed. Enter News scalp, the pinnacle of news scalping Expert Advisors (EAs) designed to excel in the high-stakes arena of news-driven trading. With its innovative features tailored specifically for rapid-fire scalping strategies,   News scalp   promises to revolutionize how traders navigate volatile market con
    This Expert Advisor uses 7 indicators and many different mechanisms that control the trading process. To receive a signal, the robot analyzes the indicators of Parabolic SAR, MACD, MA, Envelopes, CCI, RSI, Alligator. Each order is supported by a double grid (with and against a trend order). The recommended deposit is from $ 4000 - on a dollar account, or 4000 cents on a cent account. You need to trade on timeframes from H1, where the trend / flat and pullbacks are better traced. Write to me afte
    Smart Advisor Calculation is designed for a very interesting method that is able finally to give the martingale a new positive way! At startup the Expert Advisor sets virtual orders and trades like the real deal. As soon as the drawdown of virtual orders reaches the set number, the robot immediately enters the market for real orders! Thus the price is going without setbacks such as 30-70 pips, with great probability will kick back at the entrance to the market! This is used by a robot! If the pr
    Nikolaos Bekos
    The Avato is one of our standalone tools. (A Signal based on it will also be provided on Mt4 Market in the future). It is designed around a combined form of hedging and martingale techniques and uses sophisticated algorithms and filters to place the trades. It uses Stop loss and Take profit levels while Lot size is calculated automatically following the according multiplier settings. We consider it a toolbox for every seasoned trader. Made with Gold market in mind, it can be tested in other inst
    This Expert Advisor trades flat breakouts. The EA plots a channel between important levels, or at a specified distance from the current price. As soon as the price start moving, the robot starts working. The recommended timeframe is H1 or above, currency pair - any. You can set the EA operation time in the settings. The EA is recommended for working during string market volatility or during news releases. This will allow you to avoid drawdown and will have a good effect on trading. Channel Power
    Ssgy EA
    Aleh Rabtsau
    The Ssgy EA generates the main signal based on 10 indicators. The trading strategy has been tested manually and has shown excellent results on a real account, after which it was decided to automate the whole process and entrust the work to a robot. The robot trades only in the direction of the trend, trying to determine its beginning and end. If the trend reverses, the open orders are managed by a double safety grid, allowing you to exit the received drawdown. The recommended minimum deposit is
    Helmsman JXR
    Aleh Rabtsau
    This Expert Advisor trades on the active market. The robot virtually analyzes the chart setting two levels at a specified distance from the price. Upon expiration of 5-15 seconds (set in the parameters), the levels are re-set. As soon as the price starts moving very fast and breaks through one of the levels, a buy or a sell order is placed at once depending on what level has been broken (upper one - buy, lower one - sell). The EA has a strict stop loss (if the bar the order has been opened at is
    Digital Bee
    Aleh Rabtsau
    The EA works on the Envelopes indicator. When the price exits the channel and returns, orders are opened and then closed at the intersection of the maximum and minimum lines of the indicator. The EA uses two take profits, stop loss, auto lot and other settings that allow you to customize the robot to your needs. We recommend a deposit of 50 USD on a cent account, currency pair GBPUSD, leverage at least 1:500, timeframe H1 (or higher). The EA is able to work on any currency pairs, as well as on s
    With the Multiday Overlay Strategy EA you can trade in parallel all major/minor/cross pairs in Forex. This EA is rather unique, as it is capable to "follow the market", this means: no optimization is needed; the same set of input parameters is good for all pairs; you do not need to change the input parameters even if market conditions change. This 3 features mean that the EA is not "manually adapted" to a specific pair in a specific timeframe, as it normally happens when you optimize a pair with
    Price Action EA V3
    Mehmet Haluk Tunc
    Price Action EA for scalping. Open trades by bar height when bar height meet complex math calculations. Timerame is fundamentally M1 and works all forex symbols. Percentage trailing system. Time limitation. Autolot by percentage of balance. Settings by ea automatically. Close safety by time in minutes and close your order after x minute even if it is not in profit or loss by you. Set stoploss and takeprofit values automatically market price. Every major settings can be set automatically by robo
    Night scalper based on the Quiet Market indicator. It does not use martingale, sets a tight stop loss for each order. Trade is performed in a calm market based on strong overbought and oversold levels. The EA has a lot of settings, which allows you to manage the strategy at your discretion. Recommended timeframe - H1, leverage - 1:100, initial - 20 USD and more. It is advisable to disable the EA during high-impact news releases. To stop trading, simply press the PAUSE button. The robot uses a vi
    CSM System
    Michal Milko
    The CSM System is currently fully automated with all the special features and functions, controlled and regularly monitored. Its evolution, parameters and the individual algorithms are professionally evaluated and optimized by experienced development group of programmers who are developing new updated versions of system. Unlike the other systems, we focused to create the system where the backtesting successful results matching the real life situation. Our core lies in identification of these bi
    ATTENTION IT IS IMPORTANT: Do not use this system for trading in currency pairs. ATTENTION IT IS IMPORTANT: Do not use this system for trading and testing without individual set files for the selected broker. Marrykey stock Indexes is a scalper system built on the hybrid combinatory Ichimoku Kinko Hyo is equipped with 6 different strategies and designed primarily to work on US stock indices such as S & P500, NASDAQ, Dow Jones, Russell2000. The system is capable of operating on frames from M5 to
    This is a fully automatic EA based on price fluctuation, it uses principle of special recognition of price and balance. The parameters are simple and adaptable,the EA can deal with shock, trend, data, news and other types of market, and the performance is stable. Run timeframe: the results are the same in any period. Execution demonstration of the EA can be viewed in the links below: https://www.mql5.com/zh/signals/470101 Requirements and suggestions Please use this EA on EURUSD H1 timeframe, V
    Chicken peck rices This is a short-term EA what based on price breakthroughs,and the parameters are simple and adaptable. Requirements: Run timeframe: H1; The type of account:ECN,spread of currency≤3,for example,EURUSD,USDJPY,and others. The minimum spread for order modification:0,it means that the minimum distance is zero between setting stop loss or take profit and current price. You must use the required accounts to ensure the reliability of profit. Input parameters: explanation=chicken peck
    Big Hunter
    Mehdi Sabbagh
    5 (1)
    The Multi Strategy Trading Robot This automated trading robot always uses stop loss. Big Hunter is specially designed to trade gold , but you can test it on other pairs since you have the access to the parameters. The robot uses different strategies like swing trading ,  momentum trading , position trading and more. It's backtested for the last 10 years under the harshest, simulated market conditions. Each trade has  unique SL, TP, Trailing stop, and breakeven. These parameters are variable a
    THE REVOLUTION Simple Trade is suitable for all type of traders whether you are a Swing Trader, Day Trader or Scalper. THE REVOLUTION Package consist of 3 EAs which combine into a Single EA which can create many stategies depend on the trading skills used/known by each traders. We provide AUTO_SETTING expecially for beginner or no experience investors which this AUTO_SETTING will trade to achieve 1000 Points or 10%/month, and for traders/investors who have experiences in trading can develop thei
    Kryptosystém automaticky   Automatický kryptosystém je v súčasnosti plne automatizovaný so všetkými špeciálnymi vlastnosťami a funkciami, je kontrolovaný a pravidelne monitorovaný. Jeho vývoj, parametre a jednotlivé algoritmy sú odborne vyhodnotené a optimalizované skúsenou vývojovou skupinou programátorov, ktorí vyvíjajú nové aktualizované verzie systému. Na rozdiel od ostatných systémov sme sa zamerali na vytvorenie systému, v ktorom je spätné testovanie úspešných výsledkov zodpovedajúce situ
    The Revolution Target Achiever FT -  Auto_Setting 1000 Points  Hi all Investors and traders, We've just updated this EA to a new version 3.0, which has a much more benefits , for Investors who want to run this EA 24 hours using vps can try the Auto_Setting to achieved 1000 Points or 10 %, for traders who have their own set up and target 1-100% can use the manual_setting, THE REVOLUTION Target Achiever is suitable for the investor who want to have a simple and ready to use Expert Advisor (EA). Th
    Tera Page EA 123X3 is an Expert Advisor with few trades a day that has a high hit rate. Only the German Stock Index, Dax30, is traded. The time frame to 4 hours and very important - the trading time must be the server time, please set correctly. Platform: Meta Trader 4 or Meta Trader 5 Instrument: Dax30 Trading time: server time Level: 1:30 Timeframe: H4 If you have any questions, please send me an email. Have fun and success with my Expert Advisors. I would be very happy about your recom
    The REVOLUTION Great Achiever FT - AUTO 1000 POINTS / 10 %   ANOTHER EXCELLENT EA FOR YOU TO CONSIDER USING IT TO GROW YOUR INVESTMENT !!! THE REVOLUTION Great Achiever is suitable for the investors who want to have a simple and ready to use Expert Advisor (EA). This fixed EA Setting is modified and created from The REVOLUTION Simple Trade which has free customized Setting or Strategy Build EA which is suitable for experienced/advanced traders who have many ideas and strategies innovated  system
    Master IA Power
    Jesus Daniel Quiroga
    Master IA Power is an EA of high mathematical complexity that adapts to price and speed changes, calculating if it is convenient to place orders in the market. When sending the orders, it tests the suitable lots to collect stable and consistent profits. And he doesn't hesitate to get out of the market quickly if he calculates that it is not profitable to stay in the market. Master IA Power continuously seeks to establish a balance between Balance and Equity, without deviating from providing pos
    Pisces EA
    Nuttawut Khiawkiri
    "Pisces Expert Advisor" Powered by FxGangster This EA Better work with GBPJPY and USD Pairs. this Expert Advisor has a Scalping, hedging and trend following  strategy when trade with wrong way, it will use hedging to fix it, and I have included too much indicator inside this EA, you can use all setting inside to set this EA, by the way you can look how many indicator and how to setting in my screenshots pictures. Live myfxbook : Pisces EA  ------------------- We provide Forex Analyst signals,
    More from author
    Waka Waka EA MT5
    Valeriia Mishchenko
    4.1 (39)
    EA has a live track record with 4.5 years of stable trading with low drawdown: Live performance MT4 version can be found here Waka Waka is the advanced grid system which already works on real accounts for years. Instead of fitting the system to reflect historical data (like most people do) it was designed to exploit existing market inefficiencies. Therefore it is not a simple "hit and miss" system which only survives by using grid. Instead it uses real market mechanics to its advantage to make p
    Waka Waka EA
    Valeriia Mishchenko
    4.31 (48)
    EA has a live track record with 4.5 years of stable trading with low drawdown: Live performance MT5 version can be found here Waka Waka is the advanced grid system which already works on real accounts for years. Instead of fitting the system to reflect historical data (like most people do) it was designed to exploit existing market inefficiencies. Therefore it is not a simple "hit and miss" system which only survives by using grid. Instead it uses real market mechanics to its advantage to make p
    Perceptrader AI MT5
    Valeriia Mishchenko
    4.6 (5)
    EA has a live track record with 48 month of stable trading with low drawdown: Live performance MT4 version can be found here Perceptrader AI is a cutting-edge grid trading system that leverages the power of Artificial Intelligence, utilizing Deep Learning algorithms and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to analyze large amounts of market data at high speed and detect high-potential trading opportunities to exploit. Supported currency pairs: NZDUSD, USDCAD, AUDNZD, AUDCAD, NZDCAD, GBPCHF Timefram
    Relative Volatility
    Valeriia Mishchenko
    5 (4)
    Like most things that work in trading, it's really simple. However, it's one of the most powerful tools I have that makes entries of many systems much more precise.   In its essence, it measures the recent volatility against the medium-term average. How does it work? Markets tend to be prone to strong trending movements when relative volatility is low and tend to be mean-reverting when relative volatility is high.   It can be used with both mean-reversion systems (like the Golden Pickaxe) and mo
    Relative Volatility MT5
    Valeriia Mishchenko
    4.83 (6)
    Like most things that work in trading, it's really simple. However, it's one of the most powerful tools I have that makes entries of many systems much more precise.   In its essence, it measures the recent volatility against the medium-term average. How does it work? Markets tend to be prone to strong trending movements when relative volatility is low and tend to be mean-reverting when relative volatility is high.   It can be used with both mean-reversion systems (like the Golden Pickaxe) and mo
    Night Hunter Pro
    Valeriia Mishchenko
    4.37 (52)
    EA has a  live track record  with many months of stable trading with  low drawdown : Best Pairs   (default settings) High-risk   performance Night Hunter Pro is the advanced scalping system which utilizes smart entry/exit algorithms with sophisticated filtering methods to identify only the safest entry points during calm periods of the market. This system is focused on a long-term stable growth . It is a professional tool developed by me years ago that is constantly updated, incorporating all t
    News Catcher Pro
    Valeriia Mishchenko
    4 (8)
    News Catcher Pro is a mean-reversion strategy that uses intraday seasonal volatility patterns caused by high-impact news events. It enters the market at a certain time shortly before a high-impact news event occurs . It does not trade frequently! Supported currency pairs: GBPUSD, EURUSD, EURGBP Recommended timeframe: M5 MT5 version can be found here EA is   FIFO compatible To backtest the EA you should download the news events data file ' NewsEvents.txt ' and copy it to the common MT4/5 direc
    Golden Pickaxe
    Valeriia Mishchenko
    4.67 (6)
    EA has high-performance live track records of different set files: XAU Risky Vol XAU Balanced Vol XAU Balanced MT5 version can be found here Golden Pickaxe is a mean-reversion grid trading system that uses machine learning technology to place high-profit potential trades on the Gold market. It uses real market inefficiencies to its advantage to have an edge over the market. The EA has 5 predefined set files, which are essentially 5 different trading systems on gold . You may choose the defaul
    Evening Scalper Pro
    Valeriia Mishchenko
    4 (19)
    EA has live track records with low drawdown: Live signal - Best Pairs Live signal - All Pairs Evening Scalper Pro is the state-of-the-art mean-reversion trading system that operates during the American trading session. It's very different from most other scalping systems, since it uses a unique trading logic on cross pairs that have a strong mean-reverting tendency with high profit targets. EA enters the market with market orders from 19 to 23h, it does not open trades during rollover (0:00-1:
    Night Hunter Pro MT5
    Valeriia Mishchenko
    4.11 (36)
    EA has a live track record with many months of stable trading with  low drawdown: Best Pairs (default settings) High-risk   performance Night Hunter Pro is the advanced scalping system which utilizes smart entry/exit algorithms with sophisticated filtering methods to identify only the safest entry points during calm periods of the market. This system is focused on a long-term stable growth. It is a professional tool developed by me years ago that is constantly updated, incorporating all the late
    News Catcher Pro MT5
    Valeriia Mishchenko
    4.73 (15)
    News Catcher Pro is a mean-reversion strategy that uses intraday seasonal volatility patterns caused by high-impact news events. It enters the market at a certain time shortly before a high-impact news event occurs . It does not trade frequently! Supported currency pairs: GBPUSD, EURUSD, EURGBP Recommended timeframe: M5 MT4 version can be found here EA is   FIFO compatible To backtest the EA you should download the news events data file ' NewsEvents.txt ' and copy it to the common MT4/5 direc
    Evening Scalper Pro MT5
    Valeriia Mishchenko
    4.47 (15)
    EA has live track records with  low drawdown : Live signal - Best Pairs Live signal - All Pairs Evening Scalper Pro is the state-of-the-art mean-reversion trading system that operates during the American trading session. It's very different from most other scalping systems, since it uses a unique trading logic on cross pairs that have a strong mean-reverting tendency with high profit targets. EA enters the market with market orders from 19 to 23h, it does not open trades during rollover (0:00-
    Golden Pickaxe MT5
    Valeriia Mishchenko
    3.56 (9)
    EA has high-performance live track records of different set files: XAU Risky Vol XAU Balanced Vol XAU Balanced MT4 version can be found here Golden Pickaxe is a mean-reversion grid trading system that uses machine learning technology to place high-profit potential trades on the Gold market. It uses real market inefficiencies to its advantage to have an edge over the market. The EA has 5 predefined set files, which are essentially 5 different trading systems on gold . You may choose the defaul
    No reviews
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    Version 2.23 2024.03.01
    Bug fix release
    Version 2.18 2024.01.11
    - Employed state-of-the-art neural network architecture, expertly trained outside the traditional framework, to ensure a more robust and efficient trading experience by enhancing its analytical capabilities for more precise market predictions.

    - Basic Magic Number - this option allows you to change the basic magic number of all trades. Magic numbers of trades/orders are calculated according to the following formula: [Direction][BasicMagicNumber+UID][TradeNumber], where
    - Direction - 1 for Buy, 2 for Sell
    - TradeNumber - the number of trades from 00 to 99. 00 - for the initial trade, 01 - for the first averaging trade, and so on.
    The resulting magic number can be, for example: 22648400, 12648403.

    - Cover Swaps - if true, the EA adjusts the TP to cover any possible loss due to the swap. Set it to false if you want to deactivate this option.
    - Open Opposite Trade - if true, the EA will open an additional initial trade in the opposite direction as soon as the initial order/trade is executed.
    - Reverse Strategy - allows you to take the order in the other direction on a signal. For example, you can set the EA to follow the trend instead of countering it.
    - Max Daily Drawdown Type FTMO - allows you to customize the daily drawdown calculation.
    - Do Nothing if During Rollover - set to true if you want to ignore max. drawdown checks during rollover.
    - Increase Take Profit, in pips [0-disabled] - specified number of pips to be added to TP during news events.
    - Hour to Close & Stop Trading on Friday [0-disabled] - possibility to stop the EA on Friday at a specified hour.
    - Max Open Lots Adjusted For... - allows you to adjust Max Open Lots for balance or equity so that it will grow proportionately.
    - Force Basket Closure once the Initial Order is Closed - option to force basket closure once the initial order/trade is closed by TP or by manual intervention.
    - Send Push Notifications after this Level [0-disabled] - sends a push notification if a trade above the specified level is opened. You need to allow push notifications in the terminal settings and specify your MetaQuotes ID.
    - Max Floating Drawdown % for each Symbol, separated by comma - allows you to specify the max. drawdown % separately for each symbol.
    - Remove StopLoss During Rollover - removes StopLoss for all orders at the specified rollover time.

    Added News Filter Actions:

    - Prohibit opening of the initial trade - the news filter only prohibits opening new initial trades.
    - Prohibit opening of all trades - the news filter prohibits both the initial trades and the averaging ones.
    - Close all open trades - the EA will close all trades before the news is released.

    Three separate exit levels have been added. By combining them, you can fine-tune the exit rules:

    - TakeProfit #1/2/3 after this Level [0-disabled] - adjusts the TP once the specified Grid level is reached.
    - TakeProfit #1/2/3 after X bars [0-disabled] - adjusts the TP after reaching a specified number of bars.
    - TakeProfit #1/2/3 [can also be negat., 0-breakeven] - take profit for grid after reaching a specified number of bars or grid level. Values can be positive, negative, or 0 – breakeven.

    Deleted parameters (as they duplicate the separate exit levels):

    - Break Even (TP) after this Level [0-disabled]
    - Break Even (TP) after X bars [0-disabled]
    Version 1.73 2023.08.21
    Mandatory update

    - Bug fixes.

    - 'Only One Symbol if Grid reaches this Level' now works correctly in portfolio mode.
    Version 1.72 2023.08.15
    - Added a new parameter - 'Portfolio Mode', that allows you to run more than one set file (instance of the EA) and/or my other EAs (instances of Waka Waka and Golden Pickaxe) on the same account so that the EAs do not open new initial trades simultaneously.

    Please note that set files of the same EA must have a unique UID!

    For example, if you run 2 set files on the same account and want to prevent the same pair from being opened by both set files simultaneously, then I recommend setting as follows:

    First set file: Portfolio Mode=true, UID=0
    Second set file: Portfolio Mode=true, UID=1

    The time delay will be set automatically based on the UID value. This is necessary to ensure one set file recognizes the opened trades of another and skips the trading signal.

    - Consider WAKA Orders (Portfolio Mode only) - the EA will take into account open trades of Waka Waka in portfolio mode.
    - Consider GP Orders (Portfolio Mode only) - the EA will take into account open trades of Golden Pickaxe in portfolio mode.

    - Volatility Filter (Optional, 0-disabled) - the value of the volatility filter that allows you to avoid risky trades during periods of high volatility. This option was requested by a customer, and I do not recommend using it, as the intraday and daily volatility values are already used as 'inputs' in the neural network to filter trades.

    - The neural network was retrained; more data sets were added to the training data.

    - Changed the risk values in the predefined MM presets to match the Waka Waka presets:
    High Risk Set (1.5% load)
    Significant Risk Set (1.0% load)
    Mid Risk Set (0.5% load)
    Low Risk Set (0.25% load)