I do not find an information, how I can add simple CLabel or CEdit controls to the form. (From objects.mqh)
They do not have a function like WindowPointer().
I can create these objects, but I can't attach them to the window.
CWndContainer::AddToElementsArray(m_subwin, _MyEditBox);does not work in this case...
Is the CComboBox a static object. Is it possible to modify the list of elements in the
ComboBox-Listview after the creation of the ComboBox?
Thank you!
I am trying to add an input field to a tab but it wont work.
input double whenToTrail=10.3; class CProgram: public CWndEvents { protected: CSpinEdit m_StartTS; //Code protected: bool CreatetrailStop(const int x_gap, const int y_gap, const string text); };
then the function.
bool CProgram::CreatetrailStop(const int x_gap, const int y_gap, string text) { //--- Save the pointer to the main element m_StartTS.WindowPointer(m_window); //--- Coordinates int x = m_window.X() + x_gap; int y = m_window.Y() + y_gap; //--- Reserve for the tab m_tabs.AddToElementsArray(1, m_StartTS); //--- Properties m_StartTS.XSize(95); m_StartTS.YSize(15); m_StartTS.EditXSize(40); m_StartTS.MinValue(0.01); m_StartTS.StepValue(0.01); m_StartTS.SetDigits(1); m_StartTS.SetValue(NormalizeDouble(whenToTrail,1)); m_StartTS.ResetMode(true); //--- Create a control if(!m_StartTS.CreateSpinEdit(m_chart_id, m_subwin, text, x, y)) return(false); //--- Add the object to the common array of object groups CWndContainer::AddToElementsArray(0, m_StartTS); return(true); }
this object isn't attached to the Panel but is on thee chart.
and after deleting the chart the object remains
How can I add CLabel to tabs, when I create CLabel item and want add to tabs compiler gives me these error:
CLabel m_overview_titlte_label; bool CMainPanel::CreateOverviewTitleLabel(const string text) { //--- Pass the panel object m_overview_title_label.WindowPointer(m_window); //--- Attach to the fourth tab of the first group of tabs m_main_panel_tabs.AddToElementsArray(0,m_overview_title_label); m_main_panel_tabs.AddToElementsArray( //--- Coordinates int x=m_window.X()+OVERVIE_TITLE_LABEL_GAP_X; int y=m_window.Y()+OVERVIE_TITLE_LABEL_GAP_Y; //--- Set properties before creation m_overview_title_label.XSize(140); m_overview_title_label.YSize(18); //m_overview_title_label. //--- Create control if(!m_overview_title_label.Create(m_chart_id,text,m_subwin,x,y)) return(false); //--- Add the object to the common array of object groups //CWndContainer::AddToElementsArray(0,m_overview_title_label); return(true); }
Compiler Error:
'WindowPointer' - function not defined MainPanel.mqh 233 27
'm_overview_title_label' - parameter conversion not allowed MainPanel.mqh 235 43
Hi. A really nice article, but at the moment I've some questions:
I do not find an information, how I can add simple CLabel or CEdit controls to the form. (From objects.mqh)
They do not have a function like WindowPointer().
I can create these objects, but I can't attach them to the window.
does not work in this case...
Is the CComboBox a static object. Is it possible to modify the list of elements in the
ComboBox-Listview after the creation of the ComboBox?
Thank you!
I had same problem, I solve that by create a include file and write my label class and use that. You must create this file in Include\EasyAndFastGUI\Controls\MyLabel.mqh
That code is:
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| MyLabel.mqh | //| Copyright 2023, Sassiz.Root | //| https://t.me/R00T_S4SS12 | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ #property copyright "Copyright 2023, Sassiz.Root" #property link "https://t.me/R00T_S4SS12" #property strict #include "Element.mqh" #include "Window.mqh" //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Class for creating a checkbox | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ class MyLabel : public CElement { private: //--- Pointer to the form to which the element is attached CWindow *m_wnd; //--- Objects for creating a checkbox CLabel m_label; //--- Text of the checkbox string m_label_text; //--- Text label margins int m_label_x_gap; int m_label_y_gap; //--- Colors of the text label in different states color m_label_color; color m_label_color_off; color m_label_color_hover; color m_label_color_locked; color m_label_color_array[]; //--- Priorities of the left mouse button press int m_zorder; int m_area_zorder; //--- public: MyLabel(void); ~MyLabel(void); //--- Methods for creating a checkbox bool CreateLabel(const long chart_id,const int subwin,const string text,const int x,const int y); //--- private: bool CreateLabel2(void); //--- public: //--- (1) Stores the form pointer, (2) return/set the state of the checkbox void WindowPointer(CWindow &object) { m_wnd=::GetPointer(object); } //--- (1) Background color, (2) margins for the text label void LabelXGap(const int x_gap) { m_label_x_gap=x_gap; } void LabelYGap(const int y_gap) { m_label_y_gap=y_gap; } //--- Color of the text in different states void LabelColor(const color clr) { m_label_color=clr; } //--- (1) Description of the checkbox, (2) return/set the state of the checkbox button string LabelText(void) const { return(m_label.Description()); } //--- Changing the color void ChangeObjectsColor(void); //--- public: //--- Chart event handler virtual void OnEvent(const int id,const long &lparam,const double &dparam,const string &sparam); //--- Timer virtual void OnEventTimer(void); //--- Moving the element virtual void Moving(const int x,const int y); //--- (1) Show, (2) hide, (3) reset, (4) delete virtual void Show(void); virtual void Hide(void); virtual void Reset(void); virtual void Delete(void); //--- (1) Set, (2) reset priorities of the left mouse button press virtual void SetZorders(void); virtual void ResetZorders(void); //--- Reset the color virtual void ResetColors(void); virtual void SetText(string text); virtual void SetFontSize(int fontSize); //--- private: //--- Handling of the press on the element bool OnClickLabel(const string clicked_object); }; //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Constructor | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ MyLabel::MyLabel(void) : m_label_x_gap(20), m_label_y_gap(2), m_label_color(clrBlack) { //--- Store the name of the element class in the base class CElement::ClassName(CLASS_NAME); //--- Set priorities of the left mouse button click m_zorder =0; m_area_zorder =1; } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Destructor | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ MyLabel::~MyLabel(void) { } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Event handling | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void MyLabel::OnEvent(const int id,const long &lparam,const double &dparam,const string &sparam) { //--- Handling of the cursor movement event if(id==CHARTEVENT_MOUSE_MOVE) { //--- Leave, if the element is hidden if(!CElement::IsVisible()) return; //--- Leave, if numbers of subwindows do not match if(CElement::m_subwin!=CElement::m_mouse.SubWindowNumber()) return; //--- Checking the focus over element CElement::MouseFocus(m_mouse.X()>X() && m_mouse.X()<X2() && m_mouse.Y()>Y() && m_mouse.Y()<Y2()); return; } //--- Handling the left mouse button click on the object if(id==CHARTEVENT_OBJECT_CLICK) { //--- Pressing on the checkbox if(OnClickLabel(sparam)) return; } } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Timer | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void MyLabel::OnEventTimer(void) { //--- If the form is not blocked if(!m_wnd.IsLocked()) //--- Changing the color of the element objects ChangeObjectsColor(); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Creates a group of the checkbox objects | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool MyLabel::CreateLabel(const long chart_id,const int subwin,const string text,const int x,const int y) { //--- Leave, if there is no form pointer if(!CElement::CheckWindowPointer(::CheckPointer(m_wnd))) return(false); //--- Initializing variables m_id =m_wnd.LastId()+1; m_chart_id =chart_id; m_subwin =subwin; m_x =x; m_y =y; m_label_text =text; //--- Margins from the edge CElement::XGap(CElement::X()-m_wnd.X()); CElement::YGap(CElement::Y()-m_wnd.Y()); //--- Creating an element if(!CreateLabel2()) return(false); //--- Hide the element if the window is a dialog one or is minimized if(m_wnd.WindowType()==W_DIALOG || m_wnd.IsMinimized()) Hide(); //--- return(true); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Creates checkbox label | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool MyLabel::CreateLabel2(void) { //--- Forming the object name string name=CElement::ProgramName()+"_lable_"+(string)CElement::Id(); //--- Coordinates int x =CElement::X()+m_label_x_gap; int y =CElement::Y()+m_label_y_gap; //--- Text color according to the state color label_color=clrBlack;//(m_check_button_state) ? m_label_color : m_label_color_off; //--- Set the object if(!m_label.Create(m_chart_id,name,m_subwin,x,y)) return(false); //--- set properties m_label.Description(m_label_text); m_label.Font(FONT); m_label.FontSize(FONT_SIZE); m_label.Color(label_color); m_label.Corner(m_corner); m_label.Anchor(m_anchor); m_label.Selectable(false); m_label.Z_Order(m_zorder); m_label.Tooltip("\n"); //--- Margins from the edge m_label.XGap(x-m_wnd.X()); m_label.YGap(y-m_wnd.Y()); //--- Initializing gradient array CElement::InitColorArray(label_color,m_label_color_hover,m_label_color_array); //--- Store the object pointer CElement::AddToArray(m_label); return(true); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Moving elements | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void MyLabel::Moving(const int x,const int y) { //--- Leave, if the element is hidden if(!CElement::IsVisible()) return; //--- Storing indents in the element fields CElement::X(x+XGap()); CElement::Y(y+YGap()); //--- Storing coordinates in the fields of the objects m_label.X(x+m_label.XGap()); m_label.Y(y+m_label.YGap()); //--- Updating coordinates of graphical objects m_label.X_Distance(m_label.X()); m_label.Y_Distance(m_label.Y()); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Changing the object color when the cursor is hovering over it | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void MyLabel::ChangeObjectsColor(void) { //--- Leave, if the element is blocked //--- color label_color=clrBlack;//(m_check_button_state) ? m_label_color : m_label_color_off; CElement::ChangeObjectColor(m_label.Name(),CElement::MouseFocus(),OBJPROP_COLOR,label_color,m_label_color_hover,m_label_color_array); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Shows combobox | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void MyLabel::Show(void) { //--- Leave, if the element is already visible if(CElement::IsVisible()) return; //--- Make all objects visible for(int i=0; i<CElement::ObjectsElementTotal(); i++) CElement::Object(i).Timeframes(OBJ_ALL_PERIODS); //--- State of visibility CElement::IsVisible(true); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Hides combobox | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void MyLabel::Hide(void) { //--- Leave, if the element is already visible if(!CElement::IsVisible()) return; //--- Hide all objects for(int i=0; i<CElement::ObjectsElementTotal(); i++) CElement::Object(i).Timeframes(OBJ_NO_PERIODS); //--- State of visibility CElement::IsVisible(false); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Redrawing | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void MyLabel::Reset(void) { //--- Leave, if this is a drop-down element if(CElement::IsDropdown()) return; //--- Hide and show Hide(); Show(); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Deletion | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void MyLabel::Delete(void) { //--- Removing objects m_label.Delete(); //--- Emptying the array of the objects CElement::FreeObjectsArray(); //--- Initializing of variables by default values CElement::MouseFocus(false); CElement::IsVisible(true); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Seth the priorities | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void MyLabel::SetZorders(void) { m_label.Z_Order(m_zorder); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Reset the priorities | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void MyLabel::ResetZorders(void) { m_label.Z_Order(0); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Reset the color of the element objects | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void MyLabel::ResetColors(void) { //--- Reset the color m_label.Color(clrBlack); //--- Zero the focus CElement::MouseFocus(false); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Clicking on the element header | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool MyLabel::OnClickLabel(const string clicked_object) { //--- The mouse cursor is currently over the element m_label.Color(m_label_color_hover); //--- Send a message about it ::EventChartCustom(m_chart_id,ON_CLICK_LABEL,CElement::Id(),0,m_label.Description()); return(true); } //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ void MyLabel::SetText(string text){ m_label.Description(text); } void MyLabel::SetFontSize(int fontSize){ m_label.FontSize(fontSize); }
Then create object from MyLabel Class like this and use it:
MyLabel m_overview_title_label;
//+------------------------------------------------------------------+ //| Creates OverviewTitleLabel | //+------------------------------------------------------------------+ bool CMainPanel::CreateOverviewTitleLabel(const string text) { //--- Pass the panel object m_overview_title_label.WindowPointer(m_window); //--- Attach to the fourth tab of the first group of tabs m_main_panel_tabs.AddToElementsArray(0,m_overview_title_label); //--- Coordinates int x=m_window.X()+OVERVIE_TITLE_LABEL_GAP_X; int y=m_window.Y()+OVERVIE_TITLE_LABEL_GAP_Y; //--- Set properties before creation m_overview_title_label.XSize(140); m_overview_title_label.YSize(18); m_overview_title_label.SetText(text); m_overview_title_label.SetFontSize(18); //m_overview_title_label. //--- Create control if(!m_overview_title_label.CreateLabel(m_chart_id,m_subwin,text,x,y)) return(false); //--- Add the object to the common array of object groups CWndContainer::AddToElementsArray(0,m_overview_title_label); return(true); }
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New article Graphical Interfaces VII: The Tabs Control (Chapter 2) has been published:
The first chapter of seventh part introduced three classes of controls for creating tables: text label table (CLabelsTable), edit box table (CTable) and rendered table (CCanvasTable). In this article (chapter two) we are going to consider the Tabs control.
Tabs are used to control the display of predefined sets of graphical interface controls. Often, multi-functional applications require a large number of controls to be fit into a confined space allocated for the graphical interface. Tabs can be used to group the controls by categories and to display only the currently needed group. This makes the interface much more accessible and more intuitive for the end user. On the surface, the tabs look like a group of buttons with labels (name of the controls group). At the same time, only one of them can be selected (active).
Let us enumerate all components of this control.
Fig. 1. Components of the Tabs control.
Let us create four modes to position the tabs relative to the area, where other controls will be placed: top, bottom, left and right.
Author: Anatoli Kazharski