I want check to a symbol ()


 I want check to a symbol ()

 Thank you


if(OrdersTotal() > 0){ // verifica se existe ordens abertas
      for(int i=OrdersTotal();i>=0;i--){ // cria um loop decrescente com valor inicial igual ao total de ordens abertas
         if(OrderSelect(i,SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES)){ // seleciona a ordem dentro do loop
             switch(OrderType()){ // verifica o tipo da ordem 
                  case 0:
                      // 0 - buy
                  case 1:                     
                        // 1 - sell
                  case 2: 
                        // 2 - buy limit 
                  case 3:
                        // 3 - sell limit
                  case 4:
                        // 4 - buy stop
                  case 5:          
                        // 5 - sell stop     
Tiago Cetto Pietralonga:

 I want check to a symbol ()

 Thank you

Hi Tiago Cetto Pietralonga,

Please try to use the SRC button when pasting parts of code there in the Forum.

This time I'll do that for you. 


Tiago Cetto Pietralonga:

 I want check to a symbol ()

 Thank you


  { // verifica se existe ordens abertas

   for(int i=OrdersTotal();i>=0;i--)
     { // cria um loop decrescente com valor inicial igual ao total de ordens abertas

        { // seleciona a ordem dentro do loop

           { // verifica o tipo da ordem 
            case OP_BUY:
               // 0 - buy

            case OP_SELL:
               // 1 - sell

            case OP_BUYLIMIT:
               // 2 - buy limit 

            case OP_SELLLIMIT:
               // 3 - sell limit

            case OP_BUYSTOP:
               // 4 - buy stop

            case OP_SELLSTOP:
               // 5 - sell stop     


This will check out for Symbol()

   int ordersTotal = OrdersTotal();

   //--- search in all open positions
   for (int i = ordersTotal - 1; i >= 0; i--)
      //--- if an error occurs at selecting of this position then go to the next one...
      if (!OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES)) continue;

      //--- if the position was opened not for the current symbol, skip it...
      if (OrderSymbol() != Symbol()) continue;

         case OP_BUY:
            // 0 - buy

         case OP_SELL:
            // 1 - sell

         case OP_BUYLIMIT:
            // 2 - buy limit 

         case OP_SELLLIMIT:
            // 3 - sell limit

         case OP_BUYSTOP:
            // 4 - buy stop

         case OP_SELLSTOP:
            // 5 - sell stop     
Anton Nel:

This will check out for Symbol()

Thank you, it's working