need help: problem in write/read


HI. I try it as below,

can you please check this part of code;

i have store data in "  write " part and they are true and i have the file .(have problem about time )

then i want to read them in " read " part and when i print them on chart have problem for time : the part have time parameter highlighted have problem .( i think)

int      filehandleWRITE_BUY;
string   filenameWRITE_BUY;
int      filehandleREAD_BUY;
string   filenameREAD_BUY;

int      LEVEL_WRITE_BUY[26];
double   PRICE_WRITE_BUY[26];
datetime TIME_WRITE_BUY[26];
double   LOW_WRITE_BUY[26];
double   TP_BUY=0;
int      LEVEL_READ_BUY[26];
double   PRICE_READ_BUY[26];
datetime TIME_READ_BUY[26];
double   LOW_READ_BUY[26];

void OnTick(void)
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  FILE WRITE
   filenameWRITE_BUY = AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_LOGIN)+"_BUY_"+_Symbol+".csv";
   filehandleWRITE_BUY = FileOpen(filenameWRITE_BUY,FILE_WRITE|FILE_CSV);

   //string terminal_data_path=TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_DATA_PATH);
   //string filename=terminal_data_path+"\\MQL5\\Files\\"+"fractals.csv";
       for(int wr = 0; wr < 26; wr++)
           //  TimeCurrent:  ", TimeToStr(TimeCurrent() - 7200, TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS),TimeToString
           FileWrite(filehandleWRITE_BUY, LEVEL_WRITE_BUY[wr], PRICE_WRITE_BUY[wr], (TimeToStr(TIME_WRITE_BUY[wr]-7200 , TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS)), LOW_WRITE_BUY[wr]);
       //--- close the file
       PrintFormat("Data is written, %s file is closed",filenameWRITE_BUY);

   else Print("PROBLEM TO SEND TXT FILE! Error = ",GetLastError());
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  FILE READ

   //--- open the file
   filenameREAD_BUY =AccountInfoInteger(ACCOUNT_LOGIN)+"_BUY_"+_Symbol+".csv";
   filehandleREAD_BUY=FileOpen(filenameREAD_BUY,FILE_READ|FILE_CSV); // ,FILE_READ|FILE_ANSI);
      PrintFormat("%s file is available for reading",filenameREAD_BUY);
      PrintFormat("File path: %s\\Files\\",TerminalInfoString(TERMINAL_DATA_PATH));
      //  TimeCurrent:  ", TimeToStr(TimeCurrent() - 7200, TIME_MINUTES|TIME_SECONDS),TimeToString
      int wr1 = 0;
      //for(int wr1 = 0; wr1 < 26; wr1++)     
            if(FileIsLineEnding(filehandleREAD_BUY)) {wr1++;continue;}
      //--- close the file
       PrintFormat("Data is READED, %s file is closed",filenameREAD_BUY);
     else PrintFormat("%s FAILED ! file is not available for reading",filenameREAD_BUY,GetLastError());


can you please check it to see what is wrong . this is for mt4 but can use in mt5 so i asked here to :

thank you.



problem is :

i run it on strategy tester , as you see the reading time is 2 hour less than the stored in write.

and if remove the "7200" in the first highlighted line time wll be the current time as below picture:

in real time chart as below:

also in strategy tester as below:


2-) the csv file :

3th column is time : ( is look blank )

need help: problem in write/read (Mehrdad Shiri) - MQL4 forum
need help: problem in write/read (Mehrdad Shiri) - MQL4 forum
need help: problem in write/read (Mehrdad Shiri) - MQL4 forum

problem solved: in first highlighted line :