A doubt about machine learning, quantum computers and algorithms creating strategies


Hi dear friends. I have a question, if is prossible to create an algorithm with machine learning that creates strategies just from watching the market and main keywords, like 

an algorithm that i must only set like a word, lets say. moving averages, or fibonacci, and the program will then  find all possible profitable strategies with testing all combinations using fibonacci 

 or moving averages and create a strategy. I saw recently the use of new quantum computers, like dwave, that process more possibilities than the particles  number in our observable universe. So there

 is a way and it's easy to create an algorithm that creates stragegies using simples terms like profit wantes, and moving averages, and in return i get all strategies?




Yes i have build several.

But they do not use indicators.


This is the definition of the holy grayl...

I am looking for it many years now. If you find it please share. :)
Marco vd Heijden:

Yes i have build several.

But they do not use indicators.