MetaTrader 5 Trading Platform Certified by the Largest Brazilian Exchange BM&FBOVESPA


Today MetaQuotes Software Corp. has received the official confirmation of successful certification of MetaTrader 5 Online Trading Platform by the largest Brazilian exchange BM&FBOVESPA. Now, any BM&FBOVESPA registered broker can offer Online trading to investors in Brazil using the MetaTrader 5 trading platform.

Decision to Certify MetaTrader 5 on the largest stock exchange in Latin America was taken at the requests of registered brokers within the region. Several Brazilian brokers have expressed serious interest in providing MetaTrader 5 trading for their investors on BM&FBOVESPA.  

MetaTrader 5 Trading Platform Certified by the Largest Brazilian Exchange BM&FBOVESPA

The certification marks the successful completion of the compatibility between the MetaTrader 5 platform and the FM&FBOVESPA Exchange system. The certificate confirms that the MetaTrader 5 technology meets all requirements of the Exchange, supports the Exchange trading technology and has successfully completed all the compliance and technical requirements.

As MetaTrader 5 is specifically designed for trading on Exchange markets, the company continues to grow the number of exchanges that the platform can connect to. MetaTrader 5 has already been certified by the RTS, Singapore Mercantile Exchange (SMX), Dubai Gold and Commodities Exchange (DGCX) and several other exchanges. The next Exchange integration projects of MetaTrader 5: London Stock Exchange (LSE) and Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)  are currently under way.

MetaQuotes Software Corp. has a firm interest in offering advanced trading technology to Latin American countries, and maintains a representative office in São Paulo (Brazil) since May 2012. "We have come to Latin America with firm intentions," says Gaies Chreis, COO of MetaQuotes Software Corp. "This promising market has a strong demand for our technology and we want to satisfy it."


Congratulations MetaQuotes!! That's fabulous news. More and more trading channels will become available for the traders. Great prospects as well, with LSE and CME. Waiting for NYSE and Polish WSE (GPW) :-) 


Hari ini MetaQuotes Software Corp telah menerima konfirmasi resmi dari sertifikasi sukses MetaTrader 5 Online Trading Platform oleh bursa terbesar Brasil BM & FBOVESPA . Sekarang, setiap broker BM & FBOVESPA terdaftar dapat menawarkan trading online bagi investor di Brasil menggunakan MetaTrader 5 trading platform.

Keputusan untuk Sertifikasi MetaTrader 5 di bursa saham terbesar di Amerika Latin itu diambil pada permintaan dari broker terdaftar di kawasan ini. Broker Brasil beberapa telah menyatakan minat yang serius dalam memberikan MetaTrader 5 perdagangan untuk investor mereka pada BM & FBOVESPA.  

Sertifikasi menandai berhasil menyelesaikan kompatibilitas antara platform MetaTrader 5 dan FM & FBOVESPA sistem Exchange. Sertifikat menegaskan bahwa MetaTrader 5 teknologi memenuhi semua persyaratan dari Bursa, mendukung teknologi perdagangan Exchange dan telah berhasil menyelesaikan semua kepatuhan dan persyaratan teknis.

Seperti MetaTrader 5 dirancang khusus untuk perdagangan di pasar Bursa, perusahaan terus tumbuh jumlah pertukaran bahwa platform dapat terhubung ke. MetaTrader 5 telah disertifikasi oleh RTS , Singapore Mercantile Exchange (SMX) , Dubai Emas dan Komoditas Exchange (DGCX) dan pertukaran lainnya. Proyek-proyek integrasi berikutnya Pertukaran MetaTrader 5: London Stock Exchange (LSE) dan Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)   saat ini sedang berlangsung.

MetaQuotes Software Corp memiliki kepentingan perusahaan dalam menawarkan teknologi canggih untuk perdagangan negara-negara Amerika Latin, dan memelihara kantor perwakilan di São Paulo (Brazil) sejak Mei 2012. "Kami telah datang ke Amerika Latin dengan niat tegas," kata Gaies Chreis, COO MetaQuotes Software Corp "Ini pasar yang menjanjikan memiliki permintaan yang kuat untuk teknologi kami dan kami ingin memenuhi itu."

ok saya setuju
Wow! I ´ve always dreamed about that day!!Best Christmas gift ever!