MQL4 Virtual Hosting - Cost for multiple trading accounts


Hi, is the cost $10 per month per trading account?

If one has multiple trading accounts, e.g. 5, would it cost $50 per month in total to run all five? In which case a regular VPS server is better value?

Ou Hong Cheng:

Hi, is the cost $10 per month per trading account?

If one has multiple trading accounts, e.g. 5, would it cost $50 per month in total to run all five? In which case a regular VPS server is better value?

Yes One account at a time Hosting.
Ou Hong Cheng:

Hi, is the cost $10 per month per trading account?

If one has multiple trading accounts, e.g. 5, would it cost $50 per month in total to run all five? In which case a regular VPS server is better value?

Unless you have a simple EA with a single account, the regular VPS on Windows is always a better choice. And they are often for 200$ a year. In addition, not much sense is saving 15 ms in connection, if you broker has execution time 800 ms.