how to decrypt the "AES128" data in mql4 called by JAVA


used CryptEncode Base64 can be decode in JAVA.

but i used AES128 encode the string "1234", key is "1234567812345678". then to hex,  the result is: N0tfT8tiE0k+KDDzEOoRxA==   but this result can not be decrypt in java. please help me~!

the code is:

   string text="1234"; 

   string keystr="1234567812345678"; 

   uchar src[],dst[],key[]; 

//--- prepare key 


   StringToCharArray(text, src);

   uchar rs[];

   CryptEncode(CRYPT_AES128, src, key, dst);

   CryptEncode(CRYPT_BASE64, dst, key, rs);

   PrintFormat("Initial data: size=%d, string='%s'",ArraySize(rs),CharArrayToString(rs)); 


Seems ok to me, the problem is probably in your Java code.
Alain Verleyen:
Seems ok to me, the problem is probably in your Java code.

Please help me , can you show me your  java code, i want to use the AES128 between on MQL4 and JAVA.

thank you very much. 


Please help me , can you show me your  java code, i want to use the AES128 between on MQL4 and JAVA.

thank you very much. 

This is a forum about mql4/mql5, not Java.