Connect MetaTrader5 to Datafeed e.g. Interactive Broker



who can help me to find a solution for MetaTrader5 to connect a datafeed from e.g. InteractiveBrokers.

If have an account at Interactive Brokers and I'd like to trade with MetaTrader5 and Interactive Brokers.

There is a possibility to link MT5 via MTIB-Bridge with IB. But I need furthermore a realtime data feed of futures and currencies.

Is there a solution to link MT5 with a data provider like IB?

Thank's in advance.

Best regards



It's not possible, you can only use data feed from an MT5 broker in MT5.

As noted in MTIBBridge information page :

ATTENTION: MTIBBridge can't feed MetaTrader charts with IB data (no application can do this)

Alain Verleyen:

It's not possible, you can only use data feed from an MT5 broker in MT5.

As noted in MTIBBridge information page :

I don't see page at link
