Coding a formula


How do you code the following formula:


[ (Number of Periods) - (Number of Periods Since Highest High)]     *  100

                          (Number of Periods) 


Any help would be sincerely appreciated. 



Try this example:

// Number of periods since last HIGH.
         int nMyPeriod      = 300; // Your time period.   
         double dHigh_Value = 0;  // MAX HIGH value.
// Array for storing the HIGH value of the BARS   
         double aHigh_Value_Data[];   
         CopyHigh(Symbol(), Period(), 1, nMyPeriod, aHigh_Value_Data);

// Indexnumber for the time that the HIGH value is updated.   
         int nIndexNumber_For_High_Time = 0;
         for(int i = 0; i < nMyPeriod; i++)

// HIGH value is calculated for the first Time in the LOOP.         
               if(dHigh_Value == 0 || i == 0)
                     dHigh_Value                = aHigh_Value_Data[i]; // Update HIGH Value.
                     nIndexNumber_For_High_Time = (nMyPeriod - i);     // Update index time value (reverse the index value, LAST bar is 1).     

// Check if NEW HIGH value is highter then MAX High value.          
               if(aHigh_Value_Data[i] > dHigh_Value)
                     dHigh_Value                = aHigh_Value_Data[i]; // Update HIGH Value.
                     nIndexNumber_For_High_Time = (nMyPeriod - i);     // Update index time value (reverse the index value, LAST bar is 1).                

// Ratio time value.   
         double dMy_Time_Ratio_Value = 0;

// Check if value is greater then 0.   
         if(nMyPeriod > 0) 
               dMy_Time_Ratio_Value = ((nMyPeriod - nIndexNumber_For_High_Time) * 100) / nMyPeriod;  
         Alert("High Value is = ", dHigh_Value, " Ratio = ", dMy_Time_Ratio_Value);