Request for next build of Metatrader 4


In Metatrader 5, you've included the following pre-defined classes:

 CTrade (includes predefined structures of MqlTradeRequest, MqlTradeResult, MqlTradeCheckResult; of which are not found in mql4);  CTerminalInfo; CSymbolInfo; CPositionInfo; COrderInfo; CHistoryOrderInfo; CDealInfo (includes ENUM values not found in MQL4); CAccountInfo (includes ENUM values not found in MQL4).

Now providing there aren't any differences in the CObject model between mql4 and mql5, these could all be built in mql4 except for CTrade, CDealInfo and CAccountInfo.  Ironically, it's those 3 I'm interested int too. 

Switching to Metatrader 5 for trading is not an option for me.  I reside in the U.S.

So, are there any plans to introduce these to mql4?