Dependency check for ex4 or ex5 file before loading to Meta Trader terminal ?


Hi. Coders and Traders.

For security reason, I would like to check if ex4 or ex5 file uses dll or exe file inside (or at background) as dependency before loading to Meta Trader terminal.

Just curious if there is such a method existing ?

I found out that it is possible for normal exe file with this website:

However, I don't find any luck to check the dependency file of ex4 or ex5 file at ease. I am looking for a method without loading to Meta Trader terminal.  

Please share some of your knowledge here. It will be really appreciated.

Kind regards.

Dependency Walker (depends.exe) Home Page
User definable module search paths with support for "KnownDLLs" and the "App Paths" registry keys. Search paths can be saved and loaded from within the graphical interface or from the command line.
ex4 and ex5 are not exe or dll files to load them with dependency walker
Ahmed Soliman:
ex4 and ex5 are not exe or dll files to load them with dependency walker
I know. 

I think this will be really useful in terms of security.

Plus if it is doable with other executable, then it should be doable with ex4 or ex5 files too. 

Kind regards.