Discussion of article "Speed Up Calculations with the MQL5 Cloud Network"


New article Speed Up Calculations with the MQL5 Cloud Network is published:

How many cores do you have on your home computer? How many computers can you use to optimize a trading strategy? We show here how to use the MQL5 Cloud Network to accelerate calculations by receiving the computing power across the globe with the click of a mouse. The phrase "Time is money" becomes even more topical with each passing year, and we cannot afford to wait for important computations for tens of hours or even days.

Running Calculations in the MQL5 Cloud Network

Author: MetaQuotes


Is there any mention that you need to pay for this service?

The MQL Cloud Network web page (https://cloud.mql5.com/) advertises earning extra $$$ letting others use your CPU for optimizations.  Why is there no mention that if you use the Cloud Network for optimization that you must pay?  If you don't pay, who is paying the people who put their CPU's on the network yet don't run any optimizations?

Distributed Computing in the MQL5 Cloud Network
  • cloud.mql5.com
Connect to the MQL5 Cloud Network (Cloud Computing) and earn extra income around the clock — there is much work for you computer!

Cloud is safe? Or My EA will get stolen if I use cloud?



Cloud is safe? Or My EA will get stolen if I use cloud?


I would say, that if MQ want they coud be already implameted, that if your expert backtest results are good enough, they get expert+backtest reports straight away from your local computer. But I don't thinik that they are doining anyting of that.

If You really think that your expert might be that good, then just do split engeneering (I don't remeber right therm): Bascaly you test things seperatly, and real results you will see only when you combine all of thoes results what you did get before(splits).


Cloud is safe? Or My EA will get stolen if I use cloud?


You should read the article The Fundamentals of Testing in MetaTrader 5:

The Data Exchange between the Terminal and the Agent


The agents never record to the hard disk the EX5-files, obtained from the terminal (EA, indicators, libraries, etc.) for security reasons, so that a computer with a running agent could not use the sent data. All other files, including DLL, are recorded in the sandbox. In remote agents you can not test EAs using DLL.

The testing results are added up by the terminal into a special cache of results (the result cache), for a quick access to them when they are needed. For each set of parameters, the terminal searches the result cache for already available results from the previous runs, in order to avoid re-runs. If the result with such a set of parameters is not found, the agent is given the task to conduct the testing.

All traffic between the terminal and the agent is encrypted.


You should read the article The Fundamentals of Testing in MetaTrader 5:

I have tried the cloud, at the beginning, it worked very fast, but about 700 pass done, the cloud stop, no pass done any more.  I have enough balance in my account.

It looks like the sandbox had not distributed the task to the cloud.

What I can do to make it fast?



I have tried the cloud, at the beginning, it worked very fast, but about 700 pass done, the cloud stop, no pass done any more.  I have enough balance in my account.

It looks like the sandbox had not distributed the task to the cloud.

What I can do to make it fast?


It's VERY surprising that nothing is mentioned about paying to use the Cloud Network. I just wanted to test it out one day not realizing that they were tracking usage and charging for it. Everything I had seen had said it was all still in beta, including the money component. I was VERY surprised when I could no longer use the Cloud Network because I had accumulated charges that exceeded the max limit. There SHOULD be some kind of notification built into MT5 that alerts you to the fact it is now a "for pay" service.   It's a great feature no doubt, but how useful will it be when a couple of uses of a few thousand agents will cost you $25+ ?!?! It WOULD be nice if they let someone know of these costs. That way, certain agents could be disabled (e.g. European users enable the European agents and disable the rest of the world).  Or, provide an option to use only those agents that are being shared for free.
It's VERY surprising that nothing is mentioned about paying to use the Cloud Network. I just wanted to test it out one day not realizing that they were tracking usage and charging for it. Everything I had seen had said it was all still in beta, including the money component. I was VERY surprised when I could no longer use the Cloud Network because I had accumulated charges that exceeded the max limit. 
How about that MQL5 Cloud Network launched ?

Actually, you can install several agents in your computer, and use them for your own, without the need of any networks (internet, LAN, WAN or any cloud), but I found it even much more slow >_<

Here's how : run MetaTester.exe (MetaTester64.exe if you're using 64 bit),  uncheck everything under  "Overview" and "MQL5 Cloud Network" tabs, and add several agents in "Service" tab, after you're done adding agents, right click on list of agent and select "Export". 

Open MT5 and Strategy Tester (Ctrl + R), under "Agents" tab, right click and select "Import" and import the list of agent and now you will see that you have several agents under "Remote". This agents actually installed in the same computer running as MT5 but the same MT5 consider this agent as remote.

Again, - maybe because I use Dual Core and installing lots of agents for it -  when I test this, it does NOT speed up anything, it actually slowing down even more >_<. 

Distributed Computing in the MQL5 Cloud Network
  • cloud.mql5.com
Connect to the MQL5 Cloud Network (Cloud Computing) and earn extra income around the clock — there is much work for you computer!

I attempted to use the cloud yesterday and was connected to USA network...... and found that the speed was very, very slow. Actually, after a while it disconnected.

When it was connected the speed was far less than my own computer was processing both earlier and later in the day.

I have a question... was yesterday a bad day for connections or is there a current problem with the network.... The reason I am asking is that in the past I have had good results.




I finally built my 24 cores system so cloud can get crunching.

CPU: 4X Opty 8439 SE
MB: Supermicro H8QME-2+
GPU: Palit GTX580 3GB

Case: CM Stacker 810


Strategy tester uses 8 out of 24 agents. 

 This thing can't fit in single page - how cool is that? ^_^



Anyways so far I have seen 9 agents working, I can't wait for some massive optimisation job.


Update: Just got 16 in use. See attachment!

16ag.png  41 kb