How long does it takes confirm a seller registration?

How long does it take to confirm a "seller" registration?
I'm waiting for that a week or more..
Toshiharu Shibata :
How long does it take to confirm a "seller" registration?
I'm waiting for that a week or more..
Please reported it to servicedesk.
Toshiharu Shibata:
How long does it take to confirm a "seller" registration?
I'm waiting for that a week or more..
your id proof and address need to verfiy.

I got confirmation today.

Thank you.




Why isn't you verified/confirmed my account yet. its being too long you guys are taking to confirm.

Don't You think soo.

I want my account to be verify <<<<<NOW>>>>> 




How much time will it take to confirm my account yar???



Is there anybody who can help me out on verifying and confirming my account.


Please help, its too late 


you only registered Saturday ?

maybe next month just wait.


I want to know how long does it take too,

a month? more? less?

upto 15 days