Has anybody got this working


Hi has anybody got the solution described in the following article to work?


It does not compile giving error:
'Values' - cannot call protected member function.

Associated with these lines in CBsvEngine::SaveData(void)

And also the same error associated with numerous calls to 'Values()' in CDbDataAdapter::Fill(CAdoTable *table)   in the file DbDataAdapter.mqh

I would really love to get this working. Much appreciated!
Practical Application Of Databases For Markets Analysis
  • 2010.05.18
  • Alexander
  • www.mql5.com
Working with data has become the main task for modern software - both for standalone and network applications. To solve this problem a specialized software were created. These are Database Management Systems (DBMS), that can structure, systematize and organize data for their computer storage and processing. As for trading, the most of analysts don't use databases in their work. But there are tasks, where such a solution would have to be handy. This article provides an example of indicators, that can save and load data from databases both with client-server and file-server architectures.

Sorry never read the article but the problem is you are calling a method that is decalred as protected I believe. I wanted to download and investigate more in detail but I dont have the time now sorry.

You can try to move this operation out of the "protected" declaration section in the code and put it in the public section.

However I dont sugguest modifying code that is not yours, I believe the owner had a certain flow to use his classes and I think your are not implementing it correctly?

 I might be intrested in this article, I need tick data for my indicators to work, thanks! 



Sorry never read the article but the problem is you are calling a method that is decalred as protected I believe. I wanted to download and investigate more in detail but I dont have the time now sorry.

You can try to move this operation out of the "protected" declaration section in the code and put it in the public section.

However I dont sugguest modifying code that is not yours, I believe the owner had a certain flow to use his classes and I think your are not implementing it correctly?

 I might be intrested in this article, I need tick data for my indicators to work, thanks! 


Thanks for your reply.

I would really appreciate if you took a look at the problem when you have some time and help me to get this working, as well as for yourself.
