vertical and horizontal lines



Could you tell me what the problem may be? When I draw vertical and horizontal lines on e.g.: D1 time frame and change back to e.g.: H1, vertical and horizontal lines disappear.

Thanks a lot!
I think when you change time frames you might have to scroll around a bit to find your lines. I do. Changing time frames will not keep the line directly infront of you. But they should be there somewhere by scrolling to the left or right on the chart. One quick way to find your lines is to note at the bottom of the line (if vertical) the date and time. Then when you switch time frames, scroll over to where that time should be and your line should be in the general area. If a horizontal line, note the currency price where the horizontal line is drawn. And look for that too when switching time frames (you might have to 'shrink' the chart a bit by clicking an dragging up or down in the price area).