New MetaTrader 4 Mobile Build 220 and MetaTrader 4 Mobile SE Build 213


While I'm sure that what you did was important to someone, my machine was running fine on the old build. Now it doen't work at all. Thanks

I'm just trying to make a living at this, maybe it's just a hobby for you. The least you could do is give me a copy of the old version that wouldn't be updated so I could restore the machine that's down.
fig :
I'm just trying to make a living at this, maybe it's just a hobby for you. The least you could do is give me a copy of the old version that wouldn't be updated so I could restore the machine that's down.

I am luckier than you, but i have been having issues too. When will we be able to add custom indicators to mobile trading?????

that would be a much better and more worth while upgrade...

Please try to manually download the latest build from and install it over your mobile terminal (into the same folder).