metatrader 4 mobile, technical indicators are very delayed


metatrader 4 mobile's technical indicators are extremely delayed making them useless. I counted about 11 points of data delayed. To make it clearer; any indicator that I add to the chart will show a value that is 11 minutes old on a 1 min chart. The price action is current and very accurate however. This is the same no matter what indicator I use, including moving averages. Anyone experiencing this serious problem? Any Idea how to fix? Thanks


I have the same/similar problem. I am using a Palm Treo Pro with Windows Mobile 6.1 and build 225 of MT4 Mobile. The indicators are not aligned with prices unless you use maximum "Zoom Out". When "Zooming In" the indicators move to the right (with most recent values moving off the right side of the screen). Does anyone have a fix for this problem?