Installing an indicator

I switch off my MQ4 (Spanish) platform. I highlight the indicator I want to install (from ForexFactory) then to Mi PC>
Disco Local (C)>Archivos de Programa>AleccohFX (my Broker)>experts>indicators and paste in the indicator, it shows up on the screen. However, when I log back on, under Navigator, it doesn't show!
Any ideas please, what I am doing wrong?
What do you want me to say. I don't understand!
What type of indicator did you place on your computer? .mq4 or .ex4?
What type of indicator did you place on your computer? .mq4 or .ex4?

The indicator was: CCI Woodies Lux v4.mq4 And I included the yellow diamond shape with an exclamation mark contained within.
I hope that is clear and thanks.
The indicator was: CCI Woodies Lux v4.mq4 and I included the yellow diamond shape with an exclamation mark
contained within.
I hope that is clear and thanks.
The indicator was: CCI Woodies Lux v4.mq4 and I included the yellow diamond shape with an exclamation mark
contained within.
I hope that is clear and thanks.
What type of indicator did you place on your computer? .mq4 or .ex4?

The indicator was: CCI Woodies Lux v4.mq4 And I included the yellow diamond shape with an exclamation mark contained within.
I hope that is clear and thanks.

I don't know what to say. See