Question for Metaquotes please

I have had this before and the issue is now becoming annoying.

I have MT4 installed 4 times on my computer (under different names) so that I can test different systems. However, every so often, one of them acts starangely and the only way to fix is delete and reinstall.

Let me explain - If you have setup a demo account, it logs in fine but if you then shutdown the MT4 station and start backup again, down in the right hand corner where it normally shows connection speed is a comment 'Invalid Account'.
No matter how many times you setup new demos, each time you close the Mt4 the same will occur on startup.

Is there an easy fix in one of the files that is causing this?

Please help.

We cannot reproduce described problem.
It seems acoounts.ini file becomes corrupted.
Try to launch your client terminals with start.ini file. F1 - User Guide Tools - Configuration at Startup.
Write in your start.ini file server, account number and password
Thankyou Slawa