MultiTerminal - Absolutely unworkable

Metatquotes Development Team

I have 4 Accounts being handled by the MT4 Multi Term. It has to be the most unreliable piece of crap I have ever used and considering big money is dependant on it's correct operation I am loathe to use it.
It stalls, lags in confirmation of placed orders, takes up to 90 seconds to place 4 PENDING orders (so it has nothing to do with broker clearance) and when looking at logs, it will show that although the execute for Pending orders for all 4 accounts was pressed once, rather than this occuring, it shows the orders being handled one after the other at snails pace. Absoloutely pathetic.

The station will tell you an order has timed out and then 10 seconds later actually confirm it has gone through.

I know many that have worse problems than this and I sure as hell hope you fix it soon.

Ask question your broker
Wow what a lengthy response. It couldnt possibly be your problem?! Geez.

YES I have taken it up with them and I know many that complain about this terminal outside my broker so I suggest YOU look at it. It's just like MT4 Client being rubbishy ever since Build 203 but apparently thats not Metaquotes problem either.

If youre going to be so tight fisted with the software at least get it right and take some esponsibility when it starts to manifest problems because right now it's crap.

Did You ask your broker? What is the answer?

About responsibility. We develop platform but we don't make dealers maintenance staff
In my previous post I SAID I did take it up with them. Do you understand english?

When I talk about responsibility, its about following up and fixing the bugs in your software. I told you I am not the only one to complain. Scores of users are complaining about the same thing and considering I have very little problem with execution through MT4 client at my broker I know it is not their fault.

Dont assume it cant possibly be your software because it IS. Wake up and fix it.