Mql5 see no one to understand

how to make a robot i have skils c++ java pythoam mini more langugue master
how to make a robot i have skils c++ java pythoam mini more langugue master
How did you get your skills in c++, etc. ?
Try to do the same with mql.
Soewono Effendi #:
How did you get your skills in c++, etc. ?
Try to do the same with mql.
yes im try but not create but im try after 3 years but my account ban after some days 
mrjackspot #:
yes im try but not create but im try after 3 years but my account ban after some days 

if want to make a robot to join a mql5 expert programmer 

how to make a robot i have skils c++ java pythoam mini more langugue master
Bro reach me let’s trade. You teach me C++ and I teach you both MQL4 and MQL5
how to make a robot i have skils c++ java pythoam mini more langugue master

C++ and MQL are not very different from one another, you should catch on fast. Get Meta editor and start coding your ideas

mrjackspot #: yes im try but not create but im try after 3 years but my account ban after some days 

Some broker's demo accounts expire. Just open a new one.