MQL4, removes my robot and ask to register a license

Hi, friends! 

I am using MQL4 on Roboforex. Yesterday the terminal stoped working and I downloaded a new one and wanted to transfer my traiding robot Expert onto new terminal. I copied all the preset files and an Expert himself. But when I try to attach my robot to the chart I get an Allert "The traiding robot has completed its work. You need to register a licese. 

And my account has license up to 2027. But I don't know whom to deal with? and how to fix this problem. Please help. 
Hi, friends! 

I am using MQL4 on Roboforex. Yesterday the terminal stoped working and I downloaded a new one and wanted to transfer my traiding robot Expert onto new terminal. I copied all the preset files and an Expert himself. But when I try to attach my robot to the chart I get an Allert "The traiding robot has completed its work. You need to register a licese. 

And my account has license up to 2027. But I don't know whom to deal with? and how to fix this problem. Please help. 

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