My Subscription Tab to have "Suspend" tab as well as column sorting


Recently i had to suspend a signal as I needed to move it to another account. After suspending i spent 10-15mins confused and trying to slowly go thru the tab "ALL" to search for my signal so that i can quickly "resume" followed by "transfer"

After 5 pages of going forward and not finding my signal, i decided to go backwards and goto last page, then spent at least 8mins going backwards page by page to search for my subscribed signal. This is super annoying and confusing as I have been in MQL for many years so you can imagine my subscriptions pages,

Request MQL to add

1) "Suspend" tab to "My Subscription" so that users can quickly find their suspended signals to resume

2) Request that columns can be sorted alphabetically by signal name or subscribed date for all tabs

Please vote for this update
