Can't pass for sell Expert some error 131

int OnInit()
double str_up = iCustom(NULL, 0,indi_3,TimeFrame,atrPeriod,atrMultiplier,0,1);
double str_down = iCustom(NULL, 0,indi_3,TimeFrame,atrPeriod,atrMultiplier,1,1);
double volumedown = iCustom(NULL, 0,indi_4,MA_Period,MA_Shift,MA_Method,0,1);
double volumeup = iCustom(NULL, 0,indi_4,MA_Period,MA_Shift,MA_Method,1,1);
double volumema = iCustom(NULL, 0,indi_4,MA_Period,MA_Shift,MA_Method,2,1);
double volumedown_2 = iCustom(NULL, 0,indi_4,MA_Period,MA_Shift,MA_Method,0,2);
double volumeup_2 = iCustom(NULL, 0,indi_4,MA_Period,MA_Shift,MA_Method,1,2);
double vwap = iCustom(_Symbol, 0,indi_6,Show_Daily,Show_Weekly,Show_Monthly,0,1);
double obv_0 = iCustom(_Symbol,0,indi_5,MAPeriod,MAType,0,1);
double obvma_1 = iCustom(_Symbol,0,indi_5,MAPeriod,MAType,1,1);
//--- create timer

   pips = _Point * 10;
   double    lotstep = MarketInfo(_Symbol, MODE_LOTSTEP);
   digitlot = (int)log10(1 / lotstep);
//| Expert deinitialization function                                 |
void OnDeinit(const int reason)
//--- destroy timer
//| Expert tick function                                             |
void OnTick()
int digit = (int)MarketInfo(OrderSymbol(), MODE_DIGITS);
double risk_money = RiskPercent * AccountBalance() / 100; 
double sl = 0, tp = 0, range_sl = 0;

  double Lots =  LOTMM(_Symbol, risk_money, range_sl / _Point);
       Lots= Lots>MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MAXLOT)?MarketInfo(_Symbol, MODE_MAXLOT) : Lots;
       Lots= Lots<MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_MINLOT)? MarketInfo(_Symbol, MODE_MINLOT) : Lots;
        Lots = NormalizeDouble(Lots, 2);

for(PositionIndex=0;PositionIndex<TotalNumberOfOrders;PositionIndex++) // inizio ciclo for controllo ordini aperti
      {      if(OrderSelect(PositionIndex, SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES))
       if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol()&&OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber)
       { Print("Ordine selezionato correttamente");

        double  oop = OrderOpenPrice();
        double  ocp = OrderClosePrice();
        double  osl = OrderStopLoss();
        double  otp = OrderTakeProfit();

        int tiket = OrderTicket();
        double lotti=OrderLots();
       int t = OrderType();

double partialclose_1a=OrderOpenPrice()+(OrderTakeProfit()-OrderOpenPrice())*(partialclose1/100);
double partialclose_2a=OrderOpenPrice()+(OrderTakeProfit()-OrderOpenPrice())*(partialclose2/100);
double partialclose_3a=OrderOpenPrice()+(OrderTakeProfit()-OrderOpenPrice())*(partialclose3/100);

       double addtobreak = MinimalProfit*pips ;
       double addtobreak_1=10*pips;
       double newsl = oop+addtobreak; // primo stop 
       double newsl1 = oop+addtobreak+addtobreak_1;//secondo stop+1pip
       double newsl2 = oop+addtobreak+addtobreak_1+addtobreak_1;
       double testbreakb = oop+((otp-oop)*(movebeaftercut/100));
        double newslshort = oop-addtobreak; // primo stop 
       double newsl1short = oop-(addtobreak+addtobreak_1);//secondo stop+1pip
       double newsl2sdhort = oop-(addtobreak+addtobreak_1+addtobreak_1);
       double testbreaks = oop-((oop-otp)*(movebeaftercut/100));

       double olotnew =lotti*(percentagecut1/100) ;
       double olotnew2 =lotti*(percentagecut2/100) ;
       double olotnew3 =lotti*(percentagecut3/100) ;
       double tpbuy3 = otp+(tpincrementpip*pips);//incremento x punti take profitbuy
       double tpshort3 =otp-(tpincrementpip*pips);//incremento x punti take profitshort
           if (t==OP_BUY)  // se la posizione è a rilzo...
           {Print("Operazione buy");
             if (changetrandbuy())
             {Print("il trand cambia puoi chiudere"+changetrandbuy());
            if (bid>partialclose_1a&&osl<oop)//1 livello di taglio
             {Print("PRIMO LIVELLO DI TALGIO VERO"+osl+"-"+newsl+"-"+partialclose_1a+olotnew);// primo livello ti taglio
              if (OrderModify(tiket,oop,newsl,otp,0))
              if (bid>partialclose_2a&&osl<newsl1)     // 2 livello di taglio
              { Print("Condizione secondo parziale vera");
                 if (OrderModify(tiket,oop,newsl1,otp,0))
               if (bid>partialclose_3a&&osl<newsl2) // 3 livello di taglio 
                 {Print("Condizione TERZO parziale vera");
                 Print("livello to move be"+testbreakb+tpbuy3);
                 if (OrderModify(tiket,oop,testbreakb,tpbuy3,0))
             } else//fine codizione se rialzo          
              if (t==OP_SELL) // se la posizione è a ribasso
               {Print("Operazione SHORT");
               if (changetrandshort())
             {Print("il trand cambia puoi chiudere"+changetrandshort());
              if (ask<partialclose_1a&&osl>oop)//1 livello di taglio
             {Print("PRIMO LIVELLO DI TALGIO VERO"+osl+"-"+newsl+"-"+partialclose_1a+olotnew);// primo livello ti taglio
              if (OrderModify(tiket,oop,newslshort,otp,0));
              if (ask<partialclose_2a&&osl>newsl1short)     // 2 livello di taglio
              { Print("Condizione secondo parziale vera");
                 if (OrderModify(tiket,oop,newsl1short,otp,0));
               if (ask<partialclose_3a&&osl>newsl2sdhort) // 3 livello di taglio 
                 {Print("Condizione TERZO parziale vera");
                  Print("livello to move be"+testbreaks);
                 if (OrderModify(tiket,oop,testbreaks,tpshort3,0));
            //se heiken rosso e sotto supertrand chiudo tutto 
       return;  } // fine ciclo loop
//|               OPEN BUY ORDER
   static string signal;
   string Desc = "Correct Volume";
   if(op[0] == 0)
      if(bull(sl, tp, range_sl)&&NoTradesToday())
            Lots =  LOTMM(_Symbol, risk_money, range_sl / _Point);
         Lots = Lots < MarketInfo(_Symbol, MODE_MINLOT) ? MarketInfo(_Symbol, MODE_MINLOT) : Lots;
         Lots = Lots > MarketInfo(_Symbol, MODE_MAXLOT) ? MarketInfo(_Symbol, MODE_MAXLOT) : Lots;
         Lots = NormalizeDouble(Lots, 2);
         double volume=Lots;
               double volumeStep=SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_VOLUME_STEP);
               double volumeMin=SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_VOLUME_MIN);
               double volumeMax=SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_VOLUME_MAX);
               double volumeNormalized=int(volume/volumeStep)*volumeStep;
         signal = "BUY " + (string)Lots;
            if(bar[0] != Bars)
            if (volumeNormalized>0.0)
            if(CheckVolumeValue(Lots,Desc))//Check size volume
            { if(CheckMoneyForTrade(Symbol(),Lots,0))//Check if money is enough for a trade
                if(OrderSend(_Symbol, 0, Lots, Ask, 0, sl, tp, comment, MagicNumber, 0, clrBlue) > 0)
                   bar[0] = Bars;} else
                   Print("Error #",GetLastError(),"in BUY Order");  
         } else Print ("Error Money isn't enough to open trade"); 
        }else Print("volume size Error");
       }else Print("Too small volume, don't trade | 7B1");
//|                 OPEN SHORT ORDER 
   sl = 0;
   tp = 0;
   range_sl = 0;
   if(op[1] == 0)
      if(bear(sl, tp, range_sl)&&NoTradesToday())
            Lots =  LOTMM(_Symbol, risk_money, range_sl / _Point);
         Lots = Lots < MarketInfo(_Symbol, MODE_MINLOT) ? MarketInfo(_Symbol, MODE_MINLOT) : Lots;
         Lots = Lots > MarketInfo(_Symbol, MODE_MAXLOT) ? MarketInfo(_Symbol, MODE_MAXLOT) : Lots;
         Lots = NormalizeDouble(Lots, 2);
          double volume=Lots;
          double volumeStep=SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_VOLUME_STEP);
          double volumeMin=SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_VOLUME_MIN);
          double volumeMax=SymbolInfoDouble(_Symbol,SYMBOL_VOLUME_MAX);
          double volumeNormalized=int(volume/volumeStep)*volumeStep;
         signal = "Sell " + (string)Lots;
        if(bar[1] != Bars)
         if (volumeNormalized>0.0)
         if(CheckVolumeValue(Lots,Desc)) //Check size volume
         {   if(CheckMoneyForTrade(Symbol(),Lots,0))//Check if money is enough for a trade
              if(OrderSend(_Symbol, 1, Lots, Bid, 0, sl, tp, comment, MagicNumber, 0, clrRed) > 0)
               bar[1] = Bars;}
              Print("Error #",GetLastError(),"in short Order");
            }else Print ("Error Money isn't enough to open trade"); 
          }else Print("Volume size error");
          }else Print("Too small volume, don't trade | 7B1");
int bar[2];
//| Timer function                                                   |
void OnTimer()
//| ChartEvent function                                              |
void OnChartEvent(const int id,
                  const long &lparam,
                  const double &dparam,
                  const string &sparam)

//| Check the correctness of the order volume                        |
bool CheckVolumeValue(double volume,string description)
//--- minimal allowed volume for trade operations
   double min_volume=SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(),SYMBOL_VOLUME_MIN);
      description=StringFormat("Volume is less than the minimal allowed SYMBOL_VOLUME_MIN=%.2f",min_volume);

//--- maximal allowed volume of trade operations
   double max_volume=SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(),SYMBOL_VOLUME_MAX);
      description=StringFormat("Volume is greater than the maximal allowed SYMBOL_VOLUME_MAX=%.2f",max_volume);

//--- get minimal step of volume changing
   double volume_step=SymbolInfoDouble(Symbol(),SYMBOL_VOLUME_STEP);

   int ratio=(int)MathRound(volume/volume_step);
      description=StringFormat("Volume is not a multiple of the minimal step SYMBOL_VOLUME_STEP=%.2f, the closest correct volume is %.2f",
   description="Correct volume value";

//|                 Check Money For Trade
bool CheckMoneyForTrade(string symb, double lots,int type)
   double free_margin=AccountFreeMarginCheck(symb,type, lots);

//-- if there is not enough money
      string oper=(type==OP_BUY)? "Buy":"Sell";
      Print("Not enough money for ", oper," ",lots, " ", symb, " Error code=",GetLastError());
   //--- checking successful

double LOTMM(string sym, double uang, double sl_dis) //jarak point
   if(MarketInfo(sym, MODE_TICKSIZE) <= 0)
      return 0;
   double dis = sl_dis  * MarketInfo(sym, MODE_POINT);
   double PointValuePerLot = MarketInfo(sym, MODE_TICKVALUE) / MarketInfo(sym, MODE_TICKSIZE);
   return (dis * PointValuePerLot) == 0 ? 0 : uang / (dis * PointValuePerLot);

For pass the seller phase i have this error also if i put the controlled required. Can you help me what i wrong ?

              if (ask<partialclose_1a&&osl>oop)//1 livello di taglio
             {Print("PRIMO LIVELLO DI TALGIO VERO"+osl+"-"+newsl+"-"+partialclose_1a+olotnew);// primo livello ti taglio
              if (OrderModify(tiket,oop,newslshort,otp,0));
You closed tiket. You can't close it again.
William Roeder #:
You closed tiket. You can't close it again.

it's a partial close this loop: every time there is a closeorder stop is moved and ceck 

Thomas Bolognesi #: it's a partial close this loop: every time there is a closeorder stop is moved and ceck 
When you do a partial close, the remaining open order will have a different ticket number.
Fernando Carreiro #:
When you do a partial close, the remaining open order will have a different ticket number.

   yes but with loop  the tiket is recaculated, so he know the new tiket. in backtest work. You think that i change this ? I need to select order every time a partial order is closed ?

Thans in advance 

Thomas Bolognesi #: yes but with loop  the tiket is recaculated, so he know the new tiket. in backtest work. You think that i change this ? I need to select order every time a partial order is closed ?
Yes, obviously! When the ticket is closed and the remaining order has a different ticket, you can only modify the new ticket, not the old one.

Fernando Carreiro #:
Yes, obviously! When the ticket is closed and the remaining order has a different ticket, you can only modify the new ticket, not the old one.Ok thank you i correct the code but the error 131 remain but now no more error in orderclose in logs

code correct :  

             //normalize lot  
           if (t==OP_BUY)  // if position buy
           {Print("Operazione buy");
             if (changetrandbuy())
             {Print("il trand cambia puoi chiudere"+changetrandbuy());
 //1 LIVEL TO CUT            
            if (bid>partialclose_1a&&osl<oop)
             {Print("PRIMO LIVELLO DI TALGIO VERO"+osl+"-"+newsl+"-"+partialclose_1a+olotnew);// primo livello ti taglio
              if (OrderModify(tiket,oop,newsl,otp,0))//move stop loss
              if(!OrderClose(tiket,olotnew,bid,3,Green))Comment("Error");}  //partial close
//2 LIVEL TO CUT             
  if(OrderSelect(PositionIndex, SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES))
   if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol()&&OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber)
        { int tiket1 = OrderTicket();           
              if (bid>partialclose_2a&&osl<newsl1)    
              { Print("Condizione secondo parziale vera");
                 if (OrderModify(tiket1,oop,newsl1,otp,0)) //2 move stop loss
                 if(!OrderClose(tiket1,olotnew2,bid,3,Green))Comment("Error");} //2 cut partial close
  if(OrderSelect(PositionIndex, SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES))
  if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol()&&OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber)
     { int tiket3 = OrderTicket();            
              if (bid>partialclose_3a&&osl<newsl2) // 3 livello di taglio 
                 {Print("Condizione TERZO parziale vera");
                   Print("livello to move be"+testbreakb+tpbuy3);
                 if (OrderModify(tiket3,oop,testbreakb,tpbuy3,0))//3 move stop loss
                 if(!OrderClose(tiket3,olotnew3,bid,3,Green))Comment("Error"); //3 cut partial
 if (t==OP_SELL) // se la posizione è a ribasso
   {Print("Operazione SHORT");
     if (changetrandshort())
       {Print("il trand cambia puoi chiudere"+changetrandshort());
   //1 LIVEL TO CUT          
            if (ask<partialclose_1a&&osl>oop)//1 livello di taglio
             {Print("PRIMO LIVELLO DI TALGIO VERO"+osl+"-"+newsl+"-"+partialclose_1a+olotnew);// primo livello ti taglio
              if (OrderModify(tiket,oop,newslshort,otp,0));
  //2 LIVEL TO CUT             
  if(OrderSelect(PositionIndex, SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES))
   if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol()&&OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber)
        { int tiket1 = OrderTicket();                    
              if (ask<partialclose_2a&&osl>newsl1short)     // 2 livello di taglio
              { Print("Condizione secondo parziale vera");
                 if (OrderModify(tiket1,oop,newsl1short,otp,0));
  //3 LIVEL TO CUT             
  if(OrderSelect(PositionIndex, SELECT_BY_POS,MODE_TRADES))
   if (OrderSymbol()==Symbol()&&OrderMagicNumber() == MagicNumber)
        { int tiket3 = OrderTicket();                
               if (ask<partialclose_3a&&osl>newsl2sdhort) // 3 livello di taglio 
                 {Print("Condizione TERZO parziale vera");
                  Print("livello to move be"+testbreaks);
                 if (OrderModify(tiket3,oop,testbreaks,tpshort3,0));
 return;  } // end intial loop