MT5 profile switch via CMD for active MT5 terminal without turning it off


Hello All,

I found there is option to start MT5 with predefined profile via CMD line like this example.
start /D "<INSTALLATION_PATH>" terminal64.exe /portable /profile:<PROFILE_NAME>

But how could I switch between profiles via CMD line when MT5 terminal is already active?
Is there any non-documented switch for this?

I would like to switch profiles via batch file and scheduled task, so I can't click multiple GUI's and switch them manually.
If I run the same command via CMD line when MT5 is active, it will do not switch profile, just Maximize particular Terminal.
I'd like to switch between profiles without turing off running MT5.

Is there only option to do Macro for mouse moving in Windows with 3rd party software? It's terrible solution which could sometimes do an mess if it will switch in wrong MT5 terminal.
I see that best option is to do it via CMD line as same as during startup of MT5 terminal, but why to kill 20-40 terminals due to change of profile?

Many Thanks
Best Regards



I think it is not possible. but you can make a Service on MT5, it will auto load each template from Profiles


Yes, templates I have assigned to each profile, Swithing via GUI is working FIne.

Also Startup with profile is loading necessary template.

Just I want to switch / load another Profile via CMD line when MT5 terminals are open.

IS possible that Metaqoute programmers could add this feature into some future update?

Martin_80: But how could I switch between profiles via CMD line when MT5 terminal is already active?

Have the cmd create a known filename and have an indicator or service look for it, delete it, and change profiles.