How to delete orphan graphs from Strategy Tester Visualization (STV)?

I have been testing numerous indicators, and for some reason two indicators got stuck in the chart of the STV. Now each time I open the STV, the lines of that old indicator still display. IS there a way to remove them?. Why would indicators get stuck (become orphan) in the STV? May be the original indicator did not have a OnDeinit? may be forcing a closing leaves those indicators in the memory? Thanks, for any guidance on this...
Camilo Mora: I have been testing numerous indicators, and for some reason two indicators got stuck in the chart of the STV. Now each time I open the STV, the lines of that old indicator still display. IS there a way to remove them?. Why would indicators get stuck (become orphan) in the STV? May be the original indicator did not have a OnDeinit? may be forcing a closing leaves those indicators in the memory? Thanks, for any guidance on this...

They probably got saved to the "tester.tpl" template. Reset it by a saving a clean chart to it.

Thank you Fernando...that indeed was the problem.