Meta tester agent do not start


I am facing a strange behaviour of the visual tester agent in MT5 I do not understand.

I have a custom (home made) expert system that I am developing by long time. The code looks to work good by the program point of view; it is compiled without error  and, for example, I can launch it in the Strategy Tester Single Run without problems and look to results at the end of the simulations by the report and history equity and balance graph (see 'setting.png' annexed as example of use in the strategy tester). But if, instead, I launch the strategy tester with Visualisation options,  (i.e. launcing the strategy tester agent with graphical capability by cecking the relevant  check box)  , the simulation does not work (it has been since some days going gradually worse and worse in recent days; when I say worse and worse I mean occasionally it worked until few days where does not work at all). It systematically goes in the state presented in the picture annex('testeragentstatus.png') and do not proceed staying in hold ; I need to stop the process with Windows Process Manager as the tester agent goes in Not responding mode. I work with a Laptop with Win 11 12 Gbyte Ram ( not experiencing any other issue).

By the way with simple Programs like Expert Advisor developed with the autogenerate mode of MT5, the visual tester run and works properly.

There could be some init file to reset or some setting to look at and try to update or TBD  to resolve? Thanking in advance.

Best Regards

Marco Capacci:

I am facing a strange behaviour of the visual tester agent in MT5 I do not understand.

I have a custom (home made) expert system that I am developing by long time. The code looks to work good by the program point of view; it is compiled without error  and, for example, I can launch it in the Strategy Tester Single Run without problems and look to results at the end of the simulations by the report and history equity and balance graph (see 'setting.png' annexed as example of use in the strategy tester). But if, instead, I launch the strategy tester with Visualisation options,  (i.e. launcing the strategy tester agent with graphical capability by cecking the relevant  check box)  , the simulation does not work (it has been since some days going gradually worse and worse in recent days; when I say worse and worse I mean occasionally it worked until few days where does not work at all). It systematically goes in the state presented in the picture annex('testeragentstatus.png') and do not proceed staying in hold ; I need to stop the process with Windows Process Manager as the tester agent goes in Not responding mode. I work with a Laptop with Win 11 12 Gbyte Ram ( not experiencing any other issue).

By the way with simple Programs like Expert Advisor developed with the autogenerate mode of MT5, the visual tester run and works properly.

There could be some init file to reset or some setting to look at and try to update or TBD  to resolve? Thanking in advance.

Best Regards

First thing to try : 

  • Click on File 
  • Open Data Folder
  • Go to Tester subfolder
  • Delete Everything 

(assuming you have stored your set files somewhere)

Lorentzos Roussos #:

First thing to try : 

  • Click on File 
  • Open Data Folder
  • Go to Tester subfolder
  • Delete Everything 

(assuming you have stored your set files somewhere)

Thank you for suggestions.  I cleaned up everything I found for tester, ini,cache etc..., but probably not all... It didn't work.

At the end I saved my top  mq5 file of the program with a different name and I recompile everything. Now the tester  works again.  I guess I have been lucky as th issue is not understood; it is possible that it will happen again...

Marco Capacci #:

Thank you for suggestions.  I cleaned up everything I found for tester, ini,cache etc..., but probably not all... It didn't work.

At the end I saved my top  mq5 file of the program with a different name and I recompile everything. Now the tester  works again.  I guess I have been lucky as th issue is not understood; it is possible that it will happen again...

Are you using the tester file property btw? If you do then you need to restart mt5 after each compilation. 

Lorentzos Roussos #:

Are you using the tester file property btw? If you do then you need to restart mt5 after each compilation. 

Sincerely I do not know what is 'btw'. I use some custom setting to impose overnight rate and a dedicated tpl file for plotting the test, as I use also a custom Indicator.