Live Trading Orders Log File?


For live trading, where do I find the log file which lists all open and closed orders that have been executed? Which subdirectory and file is this information located?

Thank you.


Journal tab - context menu - Open - YYYYMMDD.log
Journal tab - context menu - Open - YYYYMMDD.log

Hi Slawa,
If I try to open such log file and if it is to big for NotPad (Win98) the WordPad takes over and will not open file because it thinks that it is open by MT4.
I get error: "The document C:\Program Files\Meta Trader 4\logs\metaeditor.log is in use by another application and cannot be accessed"
The NotPad works a OK and if I go directly to WordPad I can open any log file a OK.
Looks like something is added if I try to open it from MT4.
Do you have any idea what can be wrong.
Only one idea - do not use Widows 98