Slawa, can you please talk about chart window type?


I have seen some post about this that have no answer. Can you please talk about it?

The biggest objection I get from users is chart windows floating outside of the main MT4 window.

Is it possible for you to change the window type so that it is the type of a window that can move around outside of the main MT4 window? There is a type of window like this and it is still a child to the main window. All your window handling code should still be ok.

Can you please talk about this? Sizing the main application window across multiple monitors is better than nothing but not so great.

Let's please talk about this.

Thank you.
Client terminal is standard MDI-application. MDI - multi-document interface. Since there is standard therefore we cannot change it. It's needed non-standard solutions and we are not ready to client terminal remake
Client terminal is standard MDI-application. MDI - multi-document interface. Since there is standard therefore we cannot change it. It's needed non-standard solutions and we are not ready to client terminal remake

Dear Slawa,

Thank you for your answer, I understand you need to keep MT4 as an MDI application. This is good.

Please look: according to Microsoft:

MDI application uses "child form"
This is what MT4 does. It is contained in the main window.

MDI application uses "floating form"
This is still ok for MDI applications and would be huge improvement. It is still CONTROLLED by the main window but not CONTAINED in the main window. Still MDI.

SDI application uses "top level form" - this is unecessary and not needed.

Slawa, I think you can do "floating form" and still be 100% MDI application. This would be a HUGE benefit.

Is this possible without remaking client terminal?

Thank you again for all your help.