how is possible set bold at font ??


hi guys ,is  possible  set  bold  a  write  inside  at editbox ?

i have create the esditbox with insede a text  , but i not  find  how is possible set a bold

 EditCreate(0,                               // chart's ID 
                          "Cross_1",            // object name 
                          0,                    // subwindow index 
                          2,                    // X coordinate 
                          5,                    // Y coordinate 
                          150,                  // width 
                          18,                   // height 
                          "AUDUSD-NZDUSD",      // text 
                          "Arial",              // font 
                          10,                   // font size 
                          ALIGN_CENTER,         // alignment type 
                          false,                // ability to edit 
                          CORNER_LEFT_UPPER,    // chart corner for anchoring 
                          clrBlack,             // text color 
                          clrWhite,             // background color 
                          clrNONE,              // border color 
                          false,                // in the background 
                          false,                // highlight to move 
                          true,                 // hidden in the object list 
                            0);                 // priority for mouse click 
faustf: hi guys ,is  possible  set  bold  a  write  inside  at editbox ? i have create the esditbox with insede a text  , but i not  find  how is possible set a bold
Just change the font name to a bolder font like "Arial Black" or some other.
Navdeep Singh #: Just change the font name to a bolder font like "Arial Black" or some other.

While other alternatives that I found didn't work well (like placing "Bold" after the font's name), this answer did the trick for me! Thanks!