Opening different terminals using python API

def start_mt5_terminal(account_credentials):
    for account in account_credentials:
        start_time = time.time()  # Start the timer

        mt5.initialize('D:\MT5\MT5_1\terminal64.exe') # type: ignore
        # Connect to the terminal
        if not mt5.login(account["a/c number"], password=account["password"], server=account["server"]): # type: ignore
            print("initialize() failed, error code =", mt5.last_error()) # type: ignore
            print(mt5.terminal_info()) # type: ignore

        mt5.shutdown() # type: ignore

        end_time = time.time()  # Stop the timer
        elapsed_time = end_time - start_time
        print(f"Execution time for account {account['a/c number']}: {elapsed_time} seconds")

This function seems to always give me an error "-10003, "IPC initialize failed, Process create failed 'd:\\MT5\\MT5_1\terminal64.exe"". I have tried changing the slashes to forward slashes, back slashes, double back/forward, nothing seems to work. if I simply paste the directory in windows, it works just fine and launches the terminal.

In my experience, I have simply failed to get a terminal running while providing a specific path, it only works when it chooses its own MT installation, but I have many installations and I would like to use those as well. Someone help me with this issue, if you've faced it before, or if you know whats wrong. Otherwise I think the MT5 python library is the problem, the overloaded functions where you provide your own path doesnt work.