MT4 build pre 187 - Chart blackout on seed/server disconnect & reconnect!

MT4 build pre187. InterbankFX feed.
Feed disconnected and reconnected while charts are blank with only "waiting for update" on display. This seems to happen to Alpari as well lately. What's going on???
Did you check your proxy settings?
Did you check your proxy settings?

It was working as is, with no proxy.
Does your connection stays on and off intermittantly? Or, you are simply disconnected all the time?

If you are disconnected all the time, then the chances of proxy/firewall problems are high. If you having intermittant connection, then it is mostly to do with server and internet connection. I guess, everything is closed during yearend. All markets should open Tuesday 2 AM EST.

Most probably, the intermittant connection problem should go away beyond Tuesday morning (once all servers are back up in action).
Rare event. Seen it once, definitely hate to see it again. But strangely over all the brokers I got running, IBFX, Alpari, Neurex. Dejavu of that build 182 MT4 problem that happened to all brokers, that required live update / reinstall of new build.