Get Alarms on the Phone


From my understanding of MT5 instructions, to receive push notifications on the phone from my destkop, the PC must be kept open all the time.

I would like an alternative to this, as I can't keep my PC 24&7 open and I wouldn't like to buy a VPS to keep MT5 open on it all the time so it can send push notifications to the phone.

The reason is that I don't like the idea of keeping on a remote pc my mt5 account logged. I know I could get the VPS from a big trusted provider, but I still rather didn't.

I was wondering if there is a solution free or paid to just keep the alarms in the cloud and have the push notifications sent to me?

Meaning I set it up on the pc and then I just receive the notifications on my phone while my PC is closed.

I think it''s possible as I see this in the mt5 instructions: " and from various services of the " but I don't know what to search for.

Thank you for the input.

Documentation on MQL5: Network Functions / SendNotification
Documentation on MQL5: Network Functions / SendNotification
SendNotification - Network Functions - MQL5 Reference - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5