Notification to order

Hi @all. Maybe someone can help me. I've got an indicator, that sends me notifications when to open/ close positions. Is there a possibility to automate these orders out of the notifications? 
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MQL5 forum: Expert Advisors and Automated Trading
MQL5 forum: Expert Advisors and Automated Trading
How to create an Expert Advisor (a trading robot) for Forex trading
Fernando Carreiro #:
Please don't create topics randomly in any section. It has been moved to the section: Expert Advisors and Automated Trading
Thx, am a bit new to this 😅
If the indicator's data is available via buffers, then yes it can be automated by using the iCustom() function.
Documentation on MQL5: Technical Indicators / iCustom
Documentation on MQL5: Technical Indicators / iCustom
iCustom - Technical Indicators - MQL5 Reference - Reference on algorithmic/automated trading language for MetaTrader 5