Feedback for MetaTrader5 by a random guy in canada


Few feedbacks about MetaTrader 5 and MQL5 and metaEditor

I hope someone from the meta trader developer team reads this.

Even though I love the coding parts of the metatrader 5, I feel like there are things that can be changed to make it feel like a program from 2023 and not a program from 2014

  • getting rid of meta editor, and providing tools for either Visual Studio Code, or Visual Studio, there are 3rd party tools but not the best. it would be awesome to create an new project in visual studio and get mql5 as langauge and option for: EA, indicator etc.
  • MT5 need a overall design to modernize it, similar to the new android app. same but better. similar to how note pad got a redesign and got trandparent top bar and black option based on the windows theme
  • It should be easier to add fibonachi or other tools to the chart similar to tradingview. something in the options to create shortcuts of specific tools like horizontal line or fibonacci or etc
  • similar to visual studio code, shortcut of CTL+P and CTL+SHFT+P there should a a shortcut to select either the symbol or finding a tool or account in the navigator. 
  • a text box on top or bottom of the navigator where you can type the tool or account you are looking for.
  • working with aws or azure or digital ocean or just providing some tools with apache spark so we can run multiple CPU agents privately or to be able to add multiple opencl gpus either locally from the network from an old mining machine with 9 gpus or from the cloud servers

I'm also a software developer, (but not c++) my main experience is in C#, javascript(react and etc) and Rust
if i can contribute part time to achieve any of these, would be great 


Few feedbacks about MetaTrader 5 and MQL5 and metaEditor

I hope someone from the meta trader developer team reads this.

Even though I love the coding parts of the metatrader 5, I feel like there are things that can be changed to make it feel like a program from 2023 and not a program from 2014

  • getting rid of meta editor, and providing tools for either Visual Studio Code, or Visual Studio, there are 3rd party tools but not the best. it would be awesome to create an new project in visual studio and get mql5 as langauge and option for: EA, indicator etc.  
That's not the policy of MetaQuotes to use external tool. I do agree with you, as almost everyone using ME for than 5 minutes, that either they should allow using easily a professional editor like VS or seriously improve MetaEditor.
  • MT5 need a overall design to modernize it, similar to the new android app. same but better. similar to how note pad got a redesign and got trandparent top bar and black option based on the windows theme
For sure it's needed. They know it already.
  • It should be easier to add fibonachi or other tools to the chart similar to tradingview. something in the options to create shortcuts of specific tools like horizontal line or fibonacci or etc
You can already do that for customizing the "Line studies" toolbar.
  • similar to visual studio code, shortcut of CTL+P and CTL+SHFT+P there should a a shortcut to select either the symbol or finding a tool or account in the navigator. 
  • a text box on top or bottom of the navigator where you can type the tool or account you are looking for.
Good ideas.
  • working with aws or azure or digital ocean or just providing some tools with apache spark so we can run multiple CPU agents privately or to be able to add multiple opencl gpus either locally from the network from an old mining machine with 9 gpus or from the cloud servers
Don't get it. Seems to me you can already use any agents you like and GPU if you are using OpenCL.

    I'm also a software developer, (but not c++) my main experience is in C#, javascript(react and etc) and Rust
    if i can contribute part time to achieve any of these, would be great 

    Unfortunately MetaQuotes will not allow us to participate otherwise then giving ideas and time as beta-tester for bugs reports.
