iLow() does not work?

Why would my iLow give me the day's open and not the low of the day? In fact the Open & Close & Low are all the same. I have used "PERIOD_D1" in stead of zero, but it still does not work.

for example at the bar beginning open, high, low and close are the same.
or price come to high and back to open level - in this case open, close and low are the same, high differs
thanks for the reply, Slawa. The specific bar I am looking at definately has a diff Open, H, L & Close.

You refer to "at the bar beginning". That might be it, but how do I refer to the "end of a bar", so that I can get the Open, H, L as it was at the close of the bar?
You refer to the specific bar 0 i.e. current bar i.e. not finished bar. You refer with every incoming tick. and every incoming tick changes current bar