Python script repetitively finishes after 10799156ms (3 hours) without error



My Python script is running fine and without errors for short time frames but for some reason it finishes execution without error after about 3 hours (always same amount of miliseconds of execution). It seems that there is a time execution limit of some kind for scripts but I have not found any option to avoid this. I am running a demo version of MT5.

Any ideas how to solve?

Thank you


running on desktop or VPS ?
please share more details so you can be helped.
Soewono Effendi #:
running on desktop or VPS ?
please share more details so you can be helped.

Running on desktop, what additional details can I provide for finding out the source of the error?

Eduardo Perez #:

Running on desktop, what additional details can I provide for finding out the source of the error?

source code ?
RAM usage ?
crash report ?
try to debug ?

anything that might help people not sitting right next to you.